Example sentences of "[pron] be not like [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not like him .
2 ‘ Of course I 'm not like him , ’ Basil continued .
3 ‘ Not that I 'm a great cook , I 'm not like you .
4 Which is not like me !
5 Secondary teacher trainees , being graduates , are uniquely ill-equipped to understand the vast majority of the school population who are not like them , and have no intention of becoming so .
6 ‘ It was the first time that he realized there were officers and that they treat you badly because you 're not like them .
7 She 's not like us . ’
8 She is not like them , ’ said Owen .
9 We 're not like them .
10 We 're not like them .
11 They are sucking up to you because they never grew up , and they never grew up because ( if men ) they are ashamed that they are not like me or ( if women ) have never been admitted into full womanhood by being slathered with Noxzema Regular Protective Shave Formula and roped to a groyne .
12 They 're not like him . ’
13 Mostly they 're not like him . ’
14 They 're not like us
15 It 's not like me , I mean I normally yum yum yum !
16 and it 's not like me .
17 It 's not like him at all , ’ Nurse Bodkin reported .
18 It 's not like him , especially as we have n't eaten .
19 It 's not like him , he thought , contemplating their long life together and their long history of loving each other 's girls .
20 It 's not like him to grumble at a bitch .
21 It 's not like her , ’ said Constance , and Scarlet had to admit that she was right .
22 ‘ I 'm not worrying exactly , ’ said Clarissa , as though worrying was shameful , ‘ only she went without saying anything , and it 's not like her . ’
23 It 's not like her at all , ’ I said quietly .
24 It 's not like you to be ill , ’ her mother said .
25 It 's not like you to moan .
26 Well I never ; it 's not like you to be offensive ! ’
27 That 's Dad 's trick , but it 's not like you . ’
28 A lot of those parts would be worked out anyway , almost like a big band having charts , so it 's not like you 're looking for a vision from those people in the way that you would be from a group of high dollar players , who are hired to create their own thing for you . ’
29 It 's not like you to stay out like that .
30 " It 's not like you .
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