Example sentences of "[pron] be [to-vb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Methinks I am to be your chaperon — which means , I suppose , that I am to see that you conduct yourself properly and are accompanied suitably whenever you leave these apartments .
2 I am to believe that they dare to send you on an assignment without discussing it with you , señorita ?
3 I 'm quite happy to see if we can what we can do , I ca n't guarantee that my Right Honourable Friend will take a different view , but I 'm content to see what we can do and report if your Lordships think that that is suitable , but if we were to do that My Lord , I think it would mean erm er it would mean that all these amendments which are grouped together should not in fact be , be put t to the vote , I mean that means ever er er all your Lordships because I do n't think it would be very fair if I were to say that I would move mine and the Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh were c to come along and move his amendment and mine meanwhile has gone down the drainpipe and I do n't think that that would be particularly funny , but the Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh I 'm sure would n't do such a dastardly thing like that !
4 But if someone were to claim that it would be a better world without birds and bears , trees and rivers , and the Dani people , then we would have to assume that they were either joking , lying , or crazy .
5 For example the most usual constraint we impose on ourselves is to believe that it is incumbent on us to carry out all the steps of a manufacturing process ourselves .
6 Mum said that as a Christian She was not going to write me a note when there was n't anything wrong with me and that I was to remember that we Christians are the light of the world .
7 How silly I was to trust that you would always love me !
8 I was to learn that her English always tended to deteriorate when her emotions took hold .
9 I was to learn that it was his way of controlling his temper .
10 Wittgenstein is here opposing our natural inclination when we start philosophising , which is to say that what matters is not the use of the expressions ‘ I know ’ , ‘ I remember ’ , ‘ I hope ’ , but a mental phenomenon — or process or activity — of knowing , remembering , hoping .
11 The objection involves the feeling or perhaps the conviction that we can never state or explicitly describe such a thing as a causal circumstance is said to be , which is to say that we can not do something like give a complete enumeration of its elements : we can not give particular or individuating descriptions of all of them .
12 Prior to requesting the client to sign such a letter , the firm must be satisfied that the client can properly be regarded as a corporate finance client and place a note on file to this effect ( which is to say that there are no grounds for believing that it would be more appropriate to treat the client as a normal investment business client ) .
13 I am childless ; but the Jews are my children and I love them as a parent should , which is to say that I do n't love them for their qualities ( remarkable as these seem to me to be , naturally ) , and only wish them to exist , and to flourish , and to have their right to life and love .
14 It is said that the pattern is mentioned in records dating back to the fifth century BC , which is to say that it was known well before the Roman invasion .
15 As specified , a causal circumstance includes no more than was needed to necessitate the effect , which is to say that it included just a set of conditions or events such that if the set existed , so did the effect , and still would have even if certain other conditions or events had also existed .
16 These embellishments are crucial , for they give rise to the two forms of the Shakespearian Equation : ‘ In the first form , the tragic form , the hero rejects the Goddess and is killed by the boar ( arriving as madness ) , which is to say that he is transformed by it .
17 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
18 Rincewind relaxed slightly , which was to say that he still made a violin string look like a bowl of jelly .
19 This has to be handled carefully if you are to ensure that you do n't lose the shape of the letters you are trying to incorporate in your design .
20 ‘ My father 's old housekeeper — he and she grew old together — has a daughter who needs to make money ; , she lives in Nile Street , and if you were to say that I sent you , she might well be glad to put you up till it is time for you to go to Oxford . ’
21 But who 's to say that they do n't redesign the standard valve ?
22 Who is to say that they are wrong , if it helps them to live out the rest of their lives in a happier frame of mind ?
23 Individuals may freely endorse an organisational culture or set of values and who is to say that they have been indoctrinated ?
24 And who is to say that whatever deal between the two sides is struck will actually last ?
25 ( And who is to say that she was not a little piqued that her younger sister Shirley was already planning marriage ? )
26 He may have meant the general composition of what had been the whole great building : who is to say that he did not also intend the look , smell , feel and silence of these stones ?
27 People still think the greatest compliment they can pay you is to say that you look younger than your age .
28 She was to say that she always knew his moods .
29 Later she was to wish that she had neither been so deceitful , nor so colourful , but at the time excitement and expediency combined carried her away .
30 But when she got to know him better she was to realise that he treated all women , servants or otherwise , as if they were ladies .
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