Example sentences of "[pron] be [v-ing] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There is nothing that the dog could do that could express the difference between the two thoughts : ‘ My master is at the door ’ and ‘ I am thinking that my master is at the door ’ .
2 I am implying that it 's unnatural , and I want you to talk to your father .
3 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
4 I am hoping that we will be able to use two of the students from the Course to be facilitators of these .
5 I am hoping that you will observe that I have fetched in enough buckets of coal this afternoon to spare you having to carry them in tomorrow .
6 ‘ I have to find the money myself and they told me that the wackier the ideas , the better the response so I am hoping that my ideas come off . ’
7 I am recommending that we take her to the hospital immediately . ’
8 ( Of course , I am assuming that you have learned your part , know what you want to say to your audience or have done your revision . )
9 The first decision — and I am assuming that you are choosing the frame before the pressed flower design has been created — is to decide what shape of picture you want .
10 I am assuming that you have decided not to pursue your initial interest .
11 A reply might be that surely I am inferring that I see a sheep in the field from my knowledge of my own present sensory states .
12 I am hypothesising that they do so not only from their conscious memories but also from their world of internal objects which are unconscious .
13 ( I admit I am suggesting that we replace one kind of dualism with another ! )
14 Essentially , I am suggesting that what I am calling private metaphors were developed by managers as a means of coping with the dissonance between what is commonly accepted as being management theory and what they thought for themselves it ought to be in actuality .
15 In short , I am suggesting that there is more continuity than discontinuity in the development of the novel as a literary form .
16 A man threatens your life and our happiness , so I am suggesting that you take steps to protect us . ’
17 ‘ Yes , madam , ’ he said at last , ‘ I am granting that his conducting of himself is not what might be expected .
18 We talk about London and Grand Isle , and all the while I am praying that he will ask us on his boat .
19 I am feeling that I must hold back .
20 I am saying that we are confronted , beneath a language which is often common to both parties , with two competing moral philosophies , and that the language of partnership is a mirage , a deliberate and partisan disguise for the fact that one of those philosophies holds power while the other comes from beneath the underdog .
21 and , I am saying that they have n't got the lease
22 I am saying that there could be an appeal to the Secretary of State and that therefore it is not appropriate to have a meeting .
23 ‘ The man is saying that you keep the noise down , and I am saying that you do what the man says . ’
24 I am saying that I can produce a printed Sherlock Holmes story by Conan Doyle which contains the words ‘ Elementary , my dear Watson . ’
25 I am demonstrating that I want to stand up for Hong Kong 's interests .
26 You 'll remember that we had a pilot project in South Oxford Health Centre , Tony is one of the G P's there , I 'm expecting that he 's going to be very positive about this project since we all are , in terms of it 's practice service delivery .
27 Sage is currently re-vamping the online help system to make it context sensitive , and I 'm hoping that they 'll also look at idiot proofing and the application of the Windows interface .
28 And I 'm hoping that they get that letter , you seeing them weekend .
29 I said well that 's what is , I said if you look at it the depreciation is so heavy compared with the income , and I said and the insurance as well but I said hopefully cos we have n't had any of er any claims at all this year you know , I said I know but all of the insurances of gone up , but I said I 'm hoping that we can sort of get the insurance down if possible so he said , yeah fair enough then .
30 So that 's what , that 's the way I 'm hoping that we can proceed , as I say , yes with your assistance and then if we can get through that business , then equally tomorrow morning , we 'll be doing a similar thing , we we 'll issue another revised programme which will er take in some of the outstanding stuff that 's fell off .
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