Example sentences of "[pron] be [adj] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was a tremendous morale-booster for Michael to do something of the sort again , but I am sure none of the delegates at the conference knew of the pain he was in , nor how much discomfort he concealed behind his ready laugh .
2 I am sure lots of people who were approached by pollsters had similarly sincere intentions : but a funny thing happened to them , too , on the way to the polls .
3 For Hardy , who had written in a letter to Thomas Macquoid , ‘ I am glad you like Tess — though I have not been able to put on paper all that she is , or was , to me ’ , it was ‘ the beginning of the end of his career as a novelist ’ .
4 As far as I am concerned no-one in the world is more important than me .
5 I 'm certain they at least would refuse a second slice of cake .
6 However , I 'm sure everyone around the table will be conscious that one of the things the panel has a duty to do is to consider what is in the light of national guidance .
7 I 'm sure everyone in the office guesses . ’
8 Anyway , now that you 're here and we 'll be getting to know one another better , I 'm sure nothing like that will happen again . ’
9 The more readily answered questions , nothing wrong with it , it 's great but again er you fall into patterns do n't you I 'm sure you on training courses we know that er one or two people are content to have the answer , so what will the rest of us do ?
10 So We 've got the right policies , I believe in Europe , I 'm sure you round the room here tonight do , it 's an issue we 've got to raise .
11 I met my husband at work and I 'm sure lots of other couples meet that way .
12 It is the concern of the people in Hertfordshire following the woods only about three miles away , they now and many Hertfordshire residents , I 'm sure lots of people in this room use voluntary commission land where their , their on holiday .
13 I 'm sure someone like Graeme Souness at Liverpool feels like I do when our teams lose , but expectations change when you 're at the top compared to the bottom .
14 I 'm sure none of us noticed what must have been expressions of pure panic on the faces of our two teachers and the several parents who had volunteered to keep their own children and their classmates from certain death by drowning in the pool .
15 Well , at those prices I 'm sure none of us would have wished to accompany the old snob .
16 I 'm sure none of us would mind if you just did n't bring any at all . "
17 Now I could not countenance , and I 'm sure none of the authorities around us could countenance a new settlement that scale in Greater York .
18 Er I 'm sure none of this , this lot
19 But I 'm sure anyone of the United players and the fans that have made the trip up from Oxford this afternoon , would have settled for a one point at half time .
20 I 'm surprised someone like you can have such a fixed view of someone else , i.e. me . ’
21 I 'm glad you like Schubert , ’ she said .
22 I 'm afraid nothing of the sort is hidden from him .
23 I 'm afraid someone from Waterloo Road Station will contact you .
24 I was surprised it to , we well going to this place yesterday er , on the directions we were with Tammy , she was reading them out and we come off the M twenty
25 I was afraid something like this would happen . ’
26 I was afraid something like this might happen to you . ’
27 I was afraid something like this might happen if I did n't get here first .
28 The same thing , if somebody 's annoying you like that , ignore them like I said , I do n't mean I wo n't just let them sit there I 'll touch my brakes a couple of times perhaps do the old bit with the mirror and like I said , normally if they 're if they 're responsible drivers that have just happened , they got a bit close then maybe they 'll drop back as I 've done
29 No , you 're ai n't , you 're bloody one in front !
30 She 's married someone in that country so her surname is changed .
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