Example sentences of "[pron] be just [that] she " in BNC.

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1 It was n't her reaction that I was wary of , it 's just that she does n't even know how she made her children so how was she going to understand what I was trying to tell her !
2 It 's just that she did n't have any life . ’
3 It 's just that she likes the odd nip .
4 Well no , it 's just that she said
5 It 's just that she had a headache and was a bit reticent about it , which is unlike her .
6 ‘ Oh , I 'm not saying anything against the room — it 's just that she might prefer the privacy of a chalet — ’
7 It 's just that she has this idée fixe that my agent is the man for me .
8 Get some movement out there we had a young , a young lady who er she name and she 's up front in the cabinet you know every opportunity she had she was looking for round the room , but not sort of in the round the outside all the time and it 's just that she wanted to be with a group of people all the time .
9 it 's just that she needs your name , the fact that you 're male , th an approximate age within five years .
10 Yeah Emily was trying it on again this morning , I think it 's just that she gets tired cos she feels slothlike in the morning and then by the end of the day she 's over like a rocket
11 Yeah , so I said well you know because I was thinking oh god if I go to college and she 's off bloody sick all the time , but I think it 's just that she 's tired and you know
12 It 's just that she did n't succeed .
13 It 's not like she 's really kind of dominated your life it 's just that she 's so not stupid , it just , you know , it 's incredible .
14 At the moment it is just that she is missing . ’
15 So far , Marie had lasted longer than either of them : it was n't that she was better at her job than they were , it was just that she did n't expect so much of people .
16 It was just that she did n't lie , to herself or others , about what they were .
17 It was just that she knew that there was something seriously wrong with her — something far more dramatic than a grumbling appendix or the normal after-effects of an operation .
18 It was n't that she felt left out — ‘ in fairness , they had said to me that I could go out with them anytime , but it 's a really grotty place , and I also did n't want them to feel I was a hanger-on ’ — it was just that she had nowhere else to go .
19 It was just that she loved Eve as much as any mother could love a daughter .
20 When she was n't explaining that she and the libbers were on the same side really , Mrs Travers took pains to point out that FAMILY had no quarrel with the poor or socially inadequate ; it was just that she wanted to pay tribute to the unsung millions of women ( and men ) who lived normal lives , did not swap roles , get divorces or abortions , become homeless or batter their children ( or their wives ) ; people who faced misfortune with re-sourcefulness and courage and without recourse to public funds .
21 In a way she was imposing , and as statuesque as the pictures in front of her ; it was just that she was not , and never could be , her father 's type .
22 She was n't a bad wife or anything like that , it was just that she 'd met this man at work , where she worked , they both worked at a dry cleaning place .
23 It was just that she had been too much in love at the time to see it .
24 It was just that she disliked Julius 's secretary so very much .
25 It was just that she was making a statement herself in dressing up .
26 He had stopped stealing , or , rather , Emmie thought he had : sometimes she wondered if it was just that she was n't keeping a proper watch on him .
27 It was just that she was not a parent but their grandmother , whose character was fixed and unalterable .
28 It was just that she became — tiresome , really , she was so dinging .
29 It was just that she was another Egyptian girl .
30 It was n't that she had n't been talking to Mandy , it was just that she had let her displeasure over that application be felt for an entire week now .
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