Example sentences of "[pron] be that he [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The interesting thing about him is that he was one of those people who always turn out to be lucky no matter what they do .
2 All I can tell you about him is that he was an ensign flying a Catalina aircraft in England thirty-two years ago . ’
3 I would n't call last season debacle making the right decisions , my own personal opinion of him is that he was the right manager to get us out of the second divsion , but I feel that given the players and money avail able to him he maybe could have done better .
4 She realised that the strange thing about him was that he was not drunk .
5 All I knew about him was that he was someone who belonged to Jean-Claude 's past , and that Jean-Claude was indebted to him .
6 The impression I got of him was that he was the world 's most cautious man ( which squares ill with his later reckless behaviour ) ; that he was a man who said nothing ; who had carefully devised a plan of life which rendered the use of words unnecessary except in an emergency such as fire or accident .
7 The trouble with him was that he was utterly astray here .
8 Could it be that he was aware of Van Butchell 's intentions and saw this as a means of bringing his technique to the notice of the public , being able , at the same time , to lay any charge of indecency at Van Butchell 's door , if it arose ?
9 ‘ One of the odd things about it is that he was wearing brand-new clothes , ’ he added .
10 His voice was muffled by something — could it be that he was smoking a cigar even whilst disembodied ?
11 The truth of it was that he was even less certain of her now than he 'd been at the beginning ; how she thought , the way she might react as the world around her changed .
12 Perhaps it was that he was talking about now .
13 It was that he was beginning to understand why Aziz the janitor and his friends might be convinced he was no ordinary child .
14 The original crucifix had been much smaller , too small in fact to contain whatever it was that he was cradling in his hand .
15 But what really surprised me was that he was holding out both hands to me .
16 ‘ All he told me was that he was working for the Sovbloc desk at Six , and they were looking for a deserter , but he did n't even have Blagg 's name .
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