Example sentences of "[pron] be the man [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bowe has always said that I am the man he wants more than anybody and now that I am giving him the perfect opportunity , he is shying away from it .
2 ‘ You may have memories of friendship with him , but I 'm the man you want . ’
3 ‘ And I 'm the man you 'll have tonight , when we reach Thailand ! ’
4 I 've been through hell , Rachel , believing you had the same problem as me , and I was the man you wanted to go to bed with but could n't stand personally . ’
5 Shame is the feeling you have when you agree with the woman who loves you that you are the man she thinks you are .
6 ‘ But Nate has specifically said that you are the man he wants to fly out to Turkey .
7 Look , Preston , if I understand my client correctly , you are the man he permitted to visit with a Miss Fraser ? ’
8 You 're the man they sent up from Rome ? ’ she asked .
9 You were the man she answered the door to , ’ he said glumly .
10 Who 's the man they arrested for the throat-slitting ? ’
11 ‘ Who — who is the man you tease ? ’
12 " Look , Chuck , there 's the man we met on the boulevard tonight . "
13 And , while she was staring at him thunderstruck , ‘ I never know whether it 's the man you congratulate or the woman , but anyway , I 'm dead chuffed about your engagement . ’
14 He is the man we would like . ’
15 He is the man you love — but he is not the King ! ’
16 Palace chairman Ron Noades admitted : ‘ He 's the man we want to replace Ian Wright . ’
17 Mark Lawrenson 41 per cent … he 's the man you want …
18 He 's the man I was fighting when the soldiers found me on the marshes , Pip .
19 It was the man they had been talking about at Christmas dinner .
20 His about-face once in office pleased economists , but robbed him of his mandate : the voters no longer believed he was the man they had elected .
21 He did so well he has since won three England caps as a midfielder and Liverpool decided he was the man they wanted , although they have tried him back in his striking role in recent games .
22 And I still do n't know if he was the man I saw outlined on Harriet 's blind .
23 He was the man I saw . ’
24 He was the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life and she was willing to jump through any hoop and over any hurdle to win him .
25 He was the man she loved , and she felt as if she were floating above the ground .
26 He was the man she had seen all those years before .
27 He was the man she had prayed that one day she would marry .
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