Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 You asked me to come , but now I am here you do n't seem very pleased to see me ! "
2 As part of his project of recasting psychoanalysis in post-structuralist terms , Jacques Lacan has rewritten the Cartesian cogito in a way that might be seen as approximating more to Augustine 's formulation than Descartes 's : ‘ I think where I am not , therefore I am where I do not think ’ .
3 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
4 I 'm not I do n't know really about that .
5 And the thing is , by the time I by the time I chased her I was so I do n't know , do n't even know where the photo is now .
6 There is the Laundry Room on the second floor , scene of trysts and quickies and what the team here call knee-tremblers , which is when you do it standing up .
7 ‘ We choose children who will fully appreciate this trip , which is why we do n't select those who are blind .
8 Er that 's becoming more recognized , which is why we do more routine things on people who appear fa yeah , it
9 Which is why we do n't use D for distance .
10 The leopard has been listed as a species in danger of extinction since CITES was concluded in Washington 10 years ago , which is why you do not , or at least should not , see leopard skin coats and hats in London 's expensive fur shops .
11 which is why you do n't see a voltage at the same leg really
12 Which is why I do n't feel sorry for the poor . ’
13 We use MRPII as a fundmental mechanistic approach plus what we call continuous improvement , which is how we do what we currently do in a much better way . ’
14 Viewed from the standards of the outside world , the main trends in human life are perhaps shown up rather more clearly here : selfishness , courage , the desire for escape , self-fulfilment etc ’ but then once you 're here you do n't think about the standards of the outside world very much . ’
15 Although you 're not we do n't ask for education but your background 's not exactly in academic area .
16 If you 're together I do n't mind .
17 Erm och I remember she was n't I do n't know .
18 Yes , so there 's nothing we can say we 're not we do n't want want to make them feel awkward about it I mean they have planned what they can plan .
19 Doubt if be in there , cos he knows we 're not I do n't know what the snowball is , it might be a plastic snowball !
20 I do n't see what difference it makes , a child not understanding , there 's plenty I do n't understand .
21 COSE II for networking , interoperability and distributed computing , COSE III for system management — see below — and there 's more we do n't know .
22 I think there 've been one or two not er brush ups you know in the pubs once er or twice , they er they wo n't drink with them and that and er some of the lads some of the lads that have gone back have really realized the situation they 've put themselves in you know , and they sorry and now they 're on they do n't know which way to turn .
23 It 's strange well erm I mean with , Bon 's just qualified now and she trying to get a job down in Portsmouth but erm you know they 're not they do n't
24 It wo n't take them away once they 're there they do n't disappear , but it does help to ease them , they do n't look quite so deep .
25 If they 're there you do n't want them , it 's when you ca n't have 'em you want it
26 Or do you wan na lose the ground missiles again or they 're actually they do n't go very fast they 've got warheads on them .
27 and it were like I do n't know what had happened but
28 it 's not you do n't wan na really .
29 It 's when you do n't order it correctly , it 's when you go wrong .
30 It 's slightly it 's slightly I do n't know I I still like that one actually I mean w
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