Example sentences of "[pron] be [adj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well we got the rock and roll ones first well they have , them two have to go together in a certain place cos them are all the rock and roll ones and them are not .
2 A couple of back-row changes and a second-row change were badly needed and I are sure the humiliation against the Wallabies could have been avoided if the selectors had acted on the evidence .
3 ‘ I think the vehicles are a vast improvement and I am sure the public will notice . ’
4 He certainly convinced me , and I am sure the rest of the House , that he is diametrically opposed to a central bank .
5 I am sure the committee would appreciate as much information as possible on the patterns of use .
6 ‘ I am concerned that they will feel insecure , but I am sure the Prince and Princess will make sure the boys do n't suffer , ’ she said .
7 I am sure the Government will appreciate the indignation that they will feel overburdened as they are with work , that they will now have to use their scarce resources to deal with criminal conduct arising on the railways and lastly , who is going to pay for this work ?
8 On a recent visit to Preston , the managing director of Leyland DAF told me that sales of trucks and buses — which I am sure the Minister agrees form an important part of the industry — in 1991 are at their lowest level since the 1930s .
9 I am sure the customer could overhear something was wrong . ’
10 Mr Tierney said : ‘ I am sure the codeine killed her .
11 Firstly , violence of any nature has no place in rugby as I am sure the majority of players and spectators will agree .
12 I am sure the majority of taxpayers in the rest of Britain are now resentful of the huge cost of rebuilding and compensation for retaining the status quo in Northern Ireland .
13 It is so important that the person nearest to the patient should have the right to prescribe that I am sure the measure will receive all-party support .
14 I am sure the problem can be sorted out . ’
15 This is not an editorial from a Labour weekly ; it is a reputable Scottish newspaper , as I am sure the Under-Secretary of State will agree .
16 It is a long way but I am sure the Lotus will get us there and back without any trouble . ’
17 I am sure the answer is yes ; we all do it from time to time .
18 And with what is still quaintly described as ‘ sufficient power ’ Ward is convinced of the new car 's credentials : ‘ I am sure the Continental R can stand shoulder to shoulder with anything else we have ever built . ’
19 I am sure the verse has some truth in it , my Lord , ’ he replied .
20 I am sure the shoe will be found in the hotel and returned to you .
21 I am sure the world is full of women who would appreciate a pleasant , hard-working man with regular habits , and would be happy to babysit Sophie and Ben .
22 He absolutely worshipped them and I am sure the sound of the players ’ voices could make a big difference . ’
23 Montgomeryshire Council chairman David Jones , who has been working to secure the Fortex investment , said : ‘ I am sure the site will prove to be the best for Fortex , Montgomeryshire and Mid Wales . ’
24 Gough 's action in handling was instinctive not pre-planned and I am sure the referee knew that .
25 I am sure the game would have finished a goal-less draw but for that incident .
26 I am sure the conclusion that the public will have of this Budget is simple and it is clear : the Conservative Party is a party without honour and a party without shame . ’
27 I am sure the town will do everything it can to make the officers and crew feel at home and join me in wishing them all the best for the future . ’
28 If the industry had gone along with the sort of scheme that we were urging three or four years ago , it would be well geared up to meeting the challenge now , instead of being caught short by its friends — who I am sure the industry feels have in some way betrayed it .
29 Erm this is an effort to do something , the last , I am sure the sterling efforts have been undertaking by Welwyn and Hatfield District Council in this consortium , you know where 's the beef , where is the evidence that somethings been done , this is merely asking to look along this line to see if anything can be done .
30 Yet , Sir Edmund , I am confident the assassin will eventually make a mistake . ’
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