Example sentences of "[pron] be [adj] for [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 And what is more , the clichés used by Mome Elwis are at least better suited to the cleric than anything the clerk can come out with : ( " I can do no other deed but say my paternoster and my creed to Christ for my misdeeds , and my Ave Maria — I am sorry for my sins — and my de profundis for all who remain in sin , for I am good for nothing else — Christ knows that , the king of heaven . " )
2 This man has got to be caught and I am grateful for anything which helps . ’
3 In J.B. Phillips translation , the verse starts ‘ I am ready for anything ’ which conveys the sense a little better .
4 Must I be present for something worthwhile to happen ?
5 I 've had two students and the rest of the stores have had two , alright , that 's why I 'm , I 'm desperate for somebody , and I 'll take them .
6 I 'm sorry for everything I 've done wrong .
7 I 'm stuck for something else to do at this minute , so I might as well listen . ’
8 Well I 'm alright for everything till about Tuesday .
9 I was ready for anything .
10 I was n't scared , I was ready for anything .
11 Salience , of course , means salience for the hearer , and is therefore a relative term : those features of New York English which are salient for a Londoner may not be those which are salient for someone from Toronto .
12 I already had a mailing list of over 7000 people , which is healthy for someone who is n't a household name , and is a good base for putting out a single , if those people then go and buy it .
13 With the advent of punk music in 1977 I transferred my energies and enthusiasm from the military and spent a lot of time dressing up and putting Vaseline in my hair , much to the annoyance of my house master , a quiet Benedictine who wrote on my term report , ‘ Christian seems to have developed a nihilistic attraction for punk rock , which is strange for somebody who avoids violence even on the rugby field .
14 While he was working for insurance brokers Alexander Howden ( running its 350-strong management services company , which is responsible for everything from staff canteen to computers and the chairman 's Rolls-Royce ) he decided he ‘ wanted to run a company from A-Z .
15 We 've now come to expect it of him , which is remarkable for someone so young and with very little experience . ’
16 ‘ This one cost only 25,000 dollars , which is incredible for something sired by a champion sprinter . ’
17 Many of the changes we have already discussed reflect a changed role for women , which is important for everyone 's experience of contemporary Britain .
18 This has already been illustrated from his dealings with Osbern , but never before when he himself was responsible for everything that happened .
19 You are responsible for everything you borrow until it is back in the library .
20 If you are stuck for something to sharpen , then they can supply you with a set of four aircraft pencils for just £1.60 inc p&p .
21 it 's more satisfying when you 're desperate for something and you get home
22 Round it all off with a pair of boots to suit your level of walking , some gaiters to protect your lower leg and stop debris getting into your boots , and you 're ready for anything !
23 So er if you 're stuck for one to go to give them a call four double one two double two
24 " Perhaps you 're sickening for something , child . "
25 Or do you feel comfortable making decisions about where you 're investing your money , or would you be happy for somebody else to do it ?
26 The DCSL ( who , interestingly enough , was an active member of the library committee throughout the period of the project ) reports its beginnings in : what was very much a very small group in the school … a certain group of people who were keen for something like this to happen …
27 She took a deep breath and then hastened after him ; it was cowardly but she was desperate for something , some insight , some new aspect that would save her from having to hate him .
28 The speed with which Margaret Seymour-Strachey accepted his offer suggested she was desperate for someone to talk to .
29 Yet the phenomenon is familiar to us all , particularly when we discover we are responsible for something for which we had blamed others .
30 As adult Christians we believe that we are dependent for everything upon God — so if the priest in some sense ‘ represents ’ God for us , then he tends to bring out feelings of dependence .
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