Example sentences of "[pron] be [adj] [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 When Mr Royalton-Kisch goes on to describe this joint session of study as a ‘ known feature of the Rembrandt workshop ’ , I am delighted because it is the very foundation of my own very different view of Rembrandt and his school .
2 I am intrigued if it does n't like wind rock , how it manages to survive on the drove roads over the downs that where Gerard .
3 Thank you Chairman I , I actually agreed with those not so much that erm I , I have problems with erm other matters , it is more extra to be examined and because it actually says that it has to be examined once , and will therefore be re-examined erm , erm I am sure if it should be examined they have to put exact what it means examine in and before and as you say er you will be the first to say .
4 I am sure when it opens in May 1992 , golfers will appreciate its outstanding beauty .
5 I am sorry if it means opposing the official candidate , but I would vote for Frank Field . ’
6 It is not intended to be and I am sorry if it appears so .
7 ‘ We have had our differences and I am sorry if it has caused offence . ’
8 I am sorry if it seems I have tricked you , my dear Watson .
9 I have a waiting list , Miss Thorne , and I am overcrowded as it is .
10 I am doubtful if it was wise to include not only dialogue but descriptive passages in a sort of sub-Chaucerian English : for instance , ‘ Grammercy , brother !
11 ‘ Get out , Harvey , I 'm late as it is . ’
12 I 'm late as it is . "
13 Can I get my coat please , I 'm freezing cos it 's cold up here .
14 His team are already 4–2 down to Moscow Spartak and , after seeing them allow Tottenham to win a game well in Liverpool 's grasp , Souness said : ‘ I 'm disappointed because it is my job on the line .
15 I 'm sixty-one as it is and , truth told , I could n't work for one of them . ’
16 I 'm sorry if it 's brought back everything you 've been trying to forget .
17 I 'm sorry if it was n't any good for you , ’ she whispered .
18 I 'm sorry if it seems almost unnatural .
19 I 'm sorry if it did n't provide a job for you , ’ he said , relieved , and looked round for Amanda , who had used the surface tension of the moment to walk away .
20 I 'm sorry if it embarrassed you … ’
21 ‘ Well , I 'm sorry if it does n't meet with your approval , Mr Denner , ’ she snapped icily , ‘ but we ca n't all afford brand-new Range Rovers ! ’
22 I 'm sorry if it upsets you , but I assure you I 'm suffering for it . ’
23 I 'm , I 'm sorry if it was to difficult to , to follow , either because of the microphones or
24 I 'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable . ’
25 I 'm sure if it was n't for the explosions close at hand he would have dropped off to sleep .
26 It does really occur , I 'm sure if it does n't sound odd , it must occur
27 Sarella smiled happily , pushing her other feelings aside and admitting , ‘ I 'm superstitious when it comes to work .
28 I 'm interested if it actually exists , ’ he said .
29 I 'm glad if it helps . ’
30 I 'm old-fashioned when it comes to musicals , usually drawing the line after Sigmund Romberg .
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