Example sentences of "[pron] be [verb] through the " in BNC.

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1 Even now I am looking through the chapter on the ‘ law ’ again : the question of colonial robbery ( p. 62 ) , ‘ the alienation … of the surplus product from all pre-socialist forms ’ ( p. 62 ) , ‘ the taxation of private capitalist profit ’ ( p. 64 ) , the question of state loans ( pp. 64–65 ) , currency emission ( p. 65 ) , railway tariffs ( p. 70 ) , the monopoly of the banking system and the credit policy ( pp. 70–73 ) , home and foreign trade ( pp. 73–84 ) , the ‘ prices policy ’ ( sic pp. 84–89 ) , and so on and so forth , with further argument on the theme that socialism is fighting against capitalism and in order to win it must accumulate at the expense of the private economy — and the more the better — this is the entire content of the work .
2 I am here , Lord Frith , I am running through the long grass .
3 ‘ Then I 'm sinking through the bed , and I 'm in the sea , and Dad 's with me , and there 's all sorts of people … teeth like sharks , everyone 's tearing everyone else 's eyes out … falling all over the place , putting all the eyes in a pot for their tea … ’
4 I 'm drifting through the countryside cos
5 When I 'm going through the recommendations with you .
6 Cos I 'm going through the document , er
7 Tom and I were led through the mock-Thirties-liner interior to a table in a rather draughty corner , and were brought freezing spritzers , black bread and tempting French menus .
8 One day , soon after our night outside the castle , Princess Flavia and I were riding through the town when we saw a group of people dressed in black going to the church .
9 Flora and I were walking through the palm grove , on mud paths between tiny squares of pale green barley .
10 I was looking through the material again last night : it 's unique !
11 I was looking through the archives recently and some rather fascinating facts may interest you !
12 As I was looking through the products of many well-known ‘ British ’ firms , I was disgusted to find all were made in countries like China , South Korea and Taiwan — anywhere but Britain !
13 When I was looking through the catalogues for what to buy I was very impressed with some of the newer books .
14 Cos one of the things that I said , you know , just when I was looking through the last five or six months is that it did seem er , to be inconsistent in terms of certain areas like the first floor , there 's an awful lot of reporting going on but , there was very little from the other , from the other areas .
15 I was seven and I was I went to a neighbour 's house and as it happened I was looking through the blooming window when the funeral went past so I was no better off you know .
16 So anyway yesterday afternoon I was checking through it when the phone went again to ask about the washing machine and I was looking through the paper to see whether , and they 'd put it in this week !
17 And I was looking through the videos there .
18 I was tempted through the doors of the trade show .
19 I was watching through the window , as Larry loaded boxes of ammunition into the back of an old battered Land Rover .
20 I was speeding through the rage barrier .
21 I was strolling through the local city centre , when I heard a thumping bass sound coming from just around the corner .
22 So I was waling through the bus station one day and I met this girl and er Ooh , she said , I 'm glad I 've seen you , she said .
23 I was glancing through the personal column of the Church Times when I saw an advertisement for ‘ a curate in poor health ’ — those were the very words — to accompany two elderly ladies on an Italian tour , all expenses paid . ’
24 but do n't get me wrong after a while I just gave up and I was getting them in bouts and I was getting through the Bonjela and the
25 I was told I could see him for an hour but they got held up on the way and I was rushed through the visit .
26 Often , when I was cycling through the camp after coming off duty , I would spy Thursby in the distance beavering along , head down against the gale , full of eagerness to get back on the job and spot any mistakes we had made during his absence .
27 I was driven through the gate when I first arrived and she was shut out ; she and her baby .
28 One evening as I was walking through the village , I heard a voice coming from the gable end of a cottage , ‘ Bonsoir , Monsieur .
29 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
30 and all that ruddy stuff , , I knew she 'd come along and put all , use to be a , he was the R S A man for the Signals and old Reggie , he was another R S A , he was headquarters company and old was in the cable laid section for people you know , came loose , I was walking through the shed and these two , I saw these two put them down , and I thought what the hell are you doing here ?
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