Example sentences of "[pron] be [verb] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
2 I was leaving all that to and concentrating on , who needed my love and attention more .
3 I was leaving all that to Posi , as usual and paying more attention to the lateral and reverse ceptor screens around the control area .
4 Moreover , since leaving Royston I was becoming concerned that we were being followed .
5 And meanwhile we 'll keep going you know and er and do what we have to do which is to make sure that when they get dow when they get round to that table sitting down that well certainly the the quarry men are not gon na be hungry if if you know what I mean I mean they they gon na sit there with full bellies in a sense that they 're not gon na be starved back and I mean th that sounds rather dramatic and a cliched but I mean when you 're living on the bread line and expecting money from week to week I mean that 's what it 's all about is n't it you know and and the food parcel .
6 Proper preparation and instruction are essential if you are to rest easy that the power you have handed over will be used effectively .
7 " Perhaps it is most convenient to imagine you are doing all that you do here at the behest of some distant ogre . "
8 Fair amount of arguing , I do n't know if that 's part of the ploy with the free kick , just before it came over I think you were getting frustrated that the free kick was n't coming over quick enough , a lot of arms being raised , is that a ploy or was it actually real frustration ?
9 But you see there was always this thought that it was always to better yourself that you were doing this that your Orcadian was just for home about and among yourselves and what it did n't really matter .
10 At the police station , she said , she was told first that she would be charged with assault and then that she would be charged with disorderly behaviour .
11 I understand that th as we are funding this that they will be used on county roads rather than on trunk roads ?
12 We are chasing those that have not yet replied and we will update the report in due course .
13 It is only by looking outside legal doctrine itself that we are made aware that neither the small closely held company ( where there is no separation of ownership and management ) nor the large public company ( where there is a separation of ownership and control ) conform to the legal model .
14 But even as eye and ear follow the darting changes here and there , as if they were the only reality , even as that happens we are made aware that the great screen is showing some sharply outlined human scene — the easy or awkward coming together of acquaintances in this pub , that cemetery , this newspaper office , that maternity hospital , library or brothel the making and the unmaking of friendships and hopes — the experience of solitude .
15 Erm Nick has obviously talked about the er , the phasing of the estate erm , just to point out that the reason for it , perhaps seeming a bit of long drawn out er affair , it 's , it 's a , a minimum time as far as erm , all the people who have been negotiating feel it 's achievable in if we are to make sure that the estate does n't remain a building site as as a as a total entity fo , at any time , so this site here will not commence until this site is completed so that there will be some er , rest bite for the bungalow residents and of course , somewhere to park their cars in the in the interim .
16 So we 've got to the situation then where erm we are making sure that nobody is gon na put us in a position whereby they can cause us problems .
17 We are making sure that employment training is making its full contribution to the aim and guarantee groups for the long-term unemployed .
18 We are making sure that in future , courts will have much better information about people asking for bail .
19 Okay , now putting both bits aside , if we 're making sure , right okay , if we 're making sure that the product is being sold for the right reasons , i.e. the client is separately saving for deposit , for house moving fees , legal fees , all the other fees , and they could still afford to do this , then I believe it 's a good thing that you can suggest to your clients .
20 ‘ You can imagine the thoughts we were having knowing that one bomb had goine off and three more were likely to explode .
21 There are two ways to ensure this : one is to make sure that there is plenty of moisture-retentive organic bulk under each plant at planting time , and the second is a steady carrying down and mixing into the soil by worm action from a blanket cover on the soil surface , a cover that also drastically reduces evaporation .
22 Wherever they are make sure that plenty of well-rotted manure is worked into the ground .
23 He may overcome the illness altogether but , even if this is not the case , he will certainly be able to make the most of his life and develop that special peace of mind which comes to those who are aware that they are doing all that they can to control the direction of their evolvement .
24 They were getting worried that news was leaking out .
25 It would not be a source of comfort to the hardpressed British public if they were to become aware that ( reckoning our overseas statistics globally not a single bean of substance for themselves or of capital equipment for British manufacturers is likely to be left over from the American credit ; and that we shall require , on balance , the whole of it , and , unless we change our ways , much more to feed and sustain Allies , liberated territories and ex-enemies , to maintain our military prestige overseas , and , generally speaking to cut a dash in the world considerably above our means .
26 The manufacturers were generally happy with the BEA 's conservatism , which suited their export concentration on low technology markets , and gave them a relatively easy and highly profitable life ( though as the 1950s advanced more of them were to become worried that they were missing out on new technical developments as their world market share slipped ) .
27 This concern could , however , be easily met if it were made clear that fines would only be recommended by the OFT as a matter of course where a company had evidently breached one of the prohibitions .
28 It 's become clear that the crop failure there has been far worse than we realised . ’ .
29 People say that Lee is either precious or lazy ( make up yer minds , f—wits ! ) , but it 's become manifest that these songs are worth all the tons of grief and introspection and the endless re-tuning .
30 It 's seems incredible that after Saturday only two Irishman were eventually chosen .
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