Example sentences of "[pron] [indef pn] [vb -s] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 There is an i there is an idea afoot to bring them to this country , to let policemen , cos the policeman 's truncheon is only short use them someone has to be close but these pacifiers can be a offensive weapon and a defensive weapon .
2 It is clear that what is necessary in such a case is research , not dogmatic and perfectly arbitrary claims , based on analogies to that small part of the experimental literature in which one happens to be interested .
3 The pressure of this or that requirement or directive , together with the environment in which one happens to be , for example working under an agnostic headteacher , or a staunch Christian one , or with an enthusiastic multi-faith team , etc. , governs what happens .
4 New things had happened , the spread of the scientific temper , erm reasonably effective and cheap methods of contraception , the emancipation of women due to the development of industry , the decay of Christianity , all these various factors made the old conception of marriage out of date , and so he takes it in hand , he pillories it , and he suggests new possibilities , of which one seems to be nowadays obtaining favour , that 's trial marriage , i.e. that people should experiment with living together erm so long as they do n't intend at that stage to have children , before they finally decide to marry and settle down .
5 For the first time I realized the humiliating narrowness of mind with which one has to be equipped in time of war .
6 To pass it one has to be ‘ dead on ’ : polite , deferential , and avoid the use of foul language .
7 Try to do what everyone considers to be good ’ ( Romans 12:17 ) .
8 What one understands to be the use of computers in spectroscopy is very much a matter of personal prejudice , and care must be taken to avoid being misled by a general title such as this .
9 Thus one may ( first stage ) read the meaning of scripture out of it , and then ( second stage ) apply what one holds to be the golden thread to another situation , not considered in the scriptures .
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