Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It also stated that ‘ 90 per cent of the respondents indicated that their experience in the programme had helped them to see more clearly the forces at work in their lives and had in fact helped them to take more control over their lives ’ .
2 Similarly , the energy at sites may interact with certain individuals to create altered states of consciousness , which enables them to see more easily the variety of legendary entities which traditionally inhabit such locations .
3 And I 've nothing to report on either the trains or the buses .
4 half G T half G T squared plus some constant times time normally your the the G will be a negative half A T squared but someone had said come up with that equation , and you 've said well what are you going to give me to go on well the acceleration 's constant .
5 Mary Finnigan : It was at this time , when David flew out to Malta , then not only were we organising the Arts Lab but a free open air festival in Beckenham , David , having flown out to the Maltese song festival had sent Angie a postcard saying something to the effect that he was going to be in Italy and why did n't Angie come and join him , which she did , leaving me to sort out both the folk club and the free festival organised for Beckenham Park the following Sunday . ’
6 It is starkly simple and exactly states its purpose demonstrating that even the most primitive of beliefs and traditional practices are valid materials on which to build not only the style but the dramatic content of a ballet .
7 Now , ’ Thiercelin took out notebook and pencil , ‘ just as a matter of routine , might I ask you to relate once again the circumstances of Herr Hamnett 's business with you ? ’
8 Once the gospel has been received by a group and a church formed , the next question which must be faced is , ‘ How should this Christian community live and organise itself to express most authentically the new life of the gospel within that cultural context ? ’
9 I 'm inviting you to consider how far a Christian should go in forgiving and to how far a Christian organisation like this school should go , in showing forgiveness er I just want to kick you off with one or two points on each of those .
10 When you read this prospectus , I urge you to keep as open a mind as possible about deciding which course to take .
11 It is our interests , rather than those of a degenerate and selfish minority , that the police should protect ; and if the law at present does not allow them to do so then the law must be changed .
12 Joni 's greatest achievements invite one to examine more closely the boundary — often too confidently defined — between forgery and original creation .
13 Zakrevskii 's political opinions were so far to the right that he thought the Moscow Slavophiles were dangerous subversives ; his antipathy to modernization led him to deplore not only the construction of new factories in Moscow but also the expansion of old ones .
14 His shadowy presence created an irresistible desire for her to stretch out just an arm 's length away — and caress him , but that desire was counterbalanced by nausea at the prospect of his body coming into contact with hers again .
15 Puzzled , I asked her to bring in both the carriage and the sinker plate to class .
16 Although the unemployment rate at 9.2 p.c. is , for the first time , on a par with the average in Britain , no serious observer expects it to remain so once the economy as a whole picks up .
17 Thus , our next task here it to pick out briefly the relevant parts of our analysis of the social distribution of innovatory realizations of /a/ and /Ε/,; as identified in section 4.6 .
18 I would drag my pride and joy from a tangle of other bikes in a dark , small out house and set it to start in exactly the same place each morning .
19 Anyone who buys one of these machines will be able to get it to read out loud the numbers on their spreadsheets .
20 But although such classifications may sometimes be useful in guiding empirical research they do not seem to me to take up directly the most important questions , which are those concerning the significance of social movements in the process of reproduction and transformation of total social systems .
21 There is nothing to show how long the game or the Society had been in abeyance before the meeting but in the same record a minute implies that the Society had been formed in 1483 .
22 This helps us to see more clearly the role of science in schools ; to challenge the objectivity of science in the school curriculum would be to initiate searching questions about the role of scientists in today 's society .
23 This picture enables us to see structurally why the viscosity of glass depends strongly on the modifying component .
24 By considering physical violations first , this will enable us to identify more accurately the distinctive element in sexual assaults .
25 Krashen 's ( 1981 ) views are particularly relevant to the study of BSL , not only because they lay the base for a fundamental re-examination of teaching methods ( see appendix 2 ) but because they allow us to understand more clearly the language learning problems of BSL acquirers .
26 That is , it does not take into account the fact that particles do not have precisely defined positions and velocities but are ‘ smeared out ’ over a small region by the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics that does not allow us to measure simultaneously both the position and the velocity .
27 This project should enable us to say how far the characteristics of the individual ( their feelings of originality , efficacy , conformity , alienation , anxieties , and so on ) account for their political and economic values and activities and how both relate to social position .
28 If you are one of the comfort eaters and find that your mood patterns have a direct effect on your eating habits then it must be a good idea for your to examine just how the various moods you experience affect your eating habits .
29 Rather , they help us to specify more precisely the nature of the problem with which the language-learning child is faced .
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