Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] be done with " in BNC.

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1 Clearly this would mean that nothing should be done with respect to the EEC which was legally irrevocable .
2 Oh , somethin' should be done with her .
3 Common to them all is the fact that they are acted and are therefore simulations of reality , which may be done with varying degrees of realism or fantasy .
4 For the benefit of those who would suggest that section 2(1) ( b ) shows that appropriation is something which can be done with the consent of the owner , I would paraphrase that provision by saying ‘ if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew what he had done and the circumstances in which he did it . ’
5 When Telford Development Corporation began to coppice the woodland for conservation purposes , a group of countryside wardens , foresters and a lecturer in 3D-design got together and decided that something should be done with the waste timber .
6 The Opposition believe that we should consider alternatives and the ability of magistrates to say that something must be done with first offenders and that an alternative can work .
7 He credits the awakening of his own sculptural sensibilities to a chance encounter with a book in which ‘ I … saw a sculpture by Wilhelm Lehmbruck , and there immediately arose the idea , the intuition : Sculpture — something can be done with sculpture .
8 Boiotian history from 479 till the First Peloponnesian War of 460–446 is not recoverable , though something can be done with the coins .
9 The cost of warships is unknown , but something can be done with the byrnies which every eight hides were ordered to provide in the same year .
10 Gunnell , captain of the British women 's team , showed exactly how it should be done with what turned into a near-perfect performance .
11 Gunnell , captain of the British women 's team , showed exactly how it should be done with what turned into a near-perfect performance .
12 Much development was taking place and the old landmarks were fast disappearing , so he realised it must be done with some urgency .
13 Er , it 's something that will be welcomed by the trade union movement , a new forward , a new beginning to join once again the fruits of our labour with partnership with other unions and the Labour Party which was what we all need , but it must be done with careful planning and the brains at the top of the union must be telling the of the union , the members on the shop floor , the right direction in which to walk .
14 This must not be taken too far and it must be done with thought for the project leader 's attitudes .
15 Whether it could be done with the thought-bubble …
16 Even when it is necessary to close down factories it can be done with compassion , in his view .
17 They 've proved it can be done with a bit of dignity , and we 'd like to achieve that .
18 The advantage of presenting the play in this way is that it can be done with a small cast in modern dress with simple rehearsal props and furniture and limited sound and lighting .
19 It is clearly written , and although it emphasises that much can be done , it in no way suggests that it can be done with little effort or time .
20 They were told to wait in the hall for the time being , until it was decided what should be done with them .
21 As to the more serious matter of the Boardman Tasker Award , I 'm as perplexed as Ed on the question of what should be done with it .
22 Everyone has had a chance to air their views about what should be done with young offenders — everyone , that is , except the young people themselves .
23 The defection and death of Richard and John Neville therefore reopened the question of how royal authority could best be exercised in the north , as well as raising the issue of what should be done with the Neville connection , which was now leaderless .
24 A dispute arose as to what should be done with the cargo , and in January 1992 the shipowners issued an originating summons for directions .
25 Disputes arose as to what should be done with the cargo and the shipowners issued an originating summons on 12 March 1991 in this court naming as the defendants the charterers of the vessel .
26 Writing to a colleague at Caserta , he mentioned that he had been presented with some tricky problems concerning the status of individual British subjects in Austria , and he then went on to mention , among " similar problems " he had been confronted with : " if captured Cossacks fighting with the Germans are to be handed over to the Russians , what should be done with White Russians with French nationality ?
27 For a long time he discussed with his lords in private what should be done with me .
28 The question was then what should be done with it — and there was no point in setting up the collection unless it was going to be a working library .
29 Then when her house was due for demolition , she and Viola met , and Viola asked what should be done with the manuscripts , as she was thinking of selling the house .
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