Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] have [indef pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I am certain , I may have one before I go over , be real naughty .
2 If I 'm to solve this wretched murder case I must have something that belonged to MacQuillan .
3 Now the burglar alarm 's probably the , the biggest thing , but we ca n't all afford the , I mean I have n't got one and I 'm a crime prevention officer , I mean by rights I should have one but I have n't .
4 ‘ Tom , I might have something that can help you with the Lewis case . ’
5 I might have one before I go home .
6 I 'll have one as well please
7 I 'll have one as well for that price reduced to clear , what 's that ?
8 I could have anything that I wanted .
9 And then of course , we we also made the , at my firm , made the er Battle of Britain curtain , which was very famous , in those days , and I think they 're still I used to have one but I do n't know where the devil it went to .
10 I used to have one but he got fed up of me using it so he cut plug off
11 Again , you must have one that you like the smell of .
12 So y w feel free now to ask questions I mean , you must have something that worries you about about this partic I can only really talk about the exam .
13 She said , no , Des smokes and you should have one as well .
14 By God , she must have something if she stirs up so many polarised opinions .
15 So you said here to replace the two pipes , the sort of medium pipe and the small pipe you 'll have one that 's a bit bigger than the big pipe .
16 And they said , Well you know how to draw up your agenda , and you 'll have something that 's contentious , in this case it was the supply of stationery from three local stationers , from printi local printers .
17 But I do n't know really what 's happening , if she had n't had anything she 'll have something when she comes back .
18 You 'd look at the sergeant and if he O. K. d it , you 'd have one but if he did n't , you bloody would n't . ’
19 He said you could have one but I , it 's like a tent .
20 Yes , you will have something that you want to convey : your theme .
21 Any of these things will require some adjustment on your part , because you will have someone or something to think of , apart from yourself .
22 You see er she can have one because
23 You can have everything As soon as I get paid
24 You can have one if you want one .
25 You can have one if you go and do your tables after that .
26 You can have anything but that .
27 Obviously you need to appeal to the Regional Committee if as a branch you 're not happy , but this rule should n't need to be bent , we should have one that is ours to be used for branches , the General Secretary himself says that it 's happened on several occasions so let's be a real trade union , not one that borrows from Peter to pay Paul , let's have a proper rule for branches .
28 I think we 'll have one when I get ours other house .
29 when they , when the a the , when they do the sats then we 'll , we 'll have something that we can trust , wo n't we ?
30 Faced with those kind of possible reductions in service , if there is a penny one penny more than necessary spent on administration and bureaucracy wherever it is in the youth and community programme that is gon na be less money for front line vision and the Labour group can have to think very , very carefully about that and the issue is gon na be that if we 're spending too much money or if they 're coming back to supplementary estimates which wo n't be available er given the financial situation next year if we 're having two heads of centres or whatever when we could have one that is gon na mean less money for front line services to the people of Highfields and there 'll only be one group that will be responsible for that , if that does come about and I think that 's something that we all need to bear in mind because what we were told as members of that committee is that the youth and community budget is gon na be in for some very serious times in the future and it 's mainly the government 's fault because of the way they 've decided to re-organise the situation it 's going out of our hands into the control of an unelected body and like most members of this council I think we would oppose that but that 's the reality of the situation and I could not support any increase of funds er for any community centres if I knew it was simply gon na be spent on administration .
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