Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] be [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But , though I may be nothing but a clapped-out old-time field operative , whose career-indeed , whole existence and identity — seems on the point of swirling down a drain , I still know how to scare the stuffings out of your average desk-jockey .
2 Sometimes the thoughts and feelings I had did n't really agree with each other , so I decided I must be lots of different people inside my brain .
3 I would n't mind being a bride , if I could be one without having a husband .
4 If I could be nothing but a witness and tolerant judge of others , this ethical nihilism would be a fully rational mode of life .
5 I wo n't be a beggar for him — the swine — but I will be one for Samavia and the Lost Prince .
6 And in any case , this sort of information will hardly prove the point in question ; for while it is true enough that capital can influence the filling of government posts , the formation of foreign policy and so on , this simply shows that the state is swayed by an interest group which may be one among many .
7 When a set comes through , which may be anything from every five to every forty minutes , the more experienced surfers will take the second or third wave of the group since these are normally the biggest .
8 How far is a specific position or attitude taken towards that theme ( which may be anything from a conventional topic , such as lost love , to an apparently unresolvable philosophical question , such as the meaning of life ) ?
9 The flanks of both the male and female carry a large area of colour which might be anything from bright pink to pale mauve , but in every case this colouring is far more intense in the male .
10 No , not necessarily , no , an active task is something that takes your department forward , actively improves the way your department runs , which could be something like .
11 We are happy to find that there is to be no repetition of the Buckingham House measures — beginning a vast edifice without money and without a definite plan , the upshot of which could be nothing but bungling .
12 You will also have the chance to provide informal activities which could be anything from putting on a record or cassette for some listening or dancing , to reading aloud , or getting someone fixed up with their portable stereo or a good romance to read .
13 She could not wait to rush up to her room to read the latest book her friend had lent her — which could be anything from The Stones of Venice to The Prisoner of Zenda .
14 ‘ That may be a nuisance in Grosvenor Square which would be none in Smithfield Market , that may be a nuisance at mid-day which would not be so at midnight , that may be a nuisance which is permanent and continual which would be no nuisance if temporary or occasional only ’ .
15 One is the news byte , which can be anything between fifteen and thirty seconds , and that is basically asking you to give a comment on one particular aspect of a story .
16 There is the obvious price dodge of skimping on the thickness of silver , measured by cutlers in microns — which can be anything from one to 50 .
17 They both allow people to choose their own time horizons , which can be anything from two to 25 years .
18 These women , who may be anything from 40 to 70 , take care of their forme by eating to various permutations : some do n't eat after 5 pm , others never mix protein and carbohydrate .
19 She could be anything between twenty-eight and forty-eight .
20 He was a guy who could be something for a brief period of time and then he vanished like the spirit he was impersonating .
21 EVERY ticket holder in the new national lottery could become an instant millionaire — but you 'd be one in 3.2 million .
22 He or she will be someone to whom , owing to the quite serious situation they have become involved in , events of a comic , deflationary character happen .
23 This remit is agreed with the client , by the project coordinator , who can be anyone within the organization but would normally be an experienced engineer .
24 The moral itself can be something of a joke as in Russell Hoban 's story ( 1974 ) where Tom , through his commitment to ‘ fooling around ’ thwarts Captain Najork and his hired sportsmen .
25 Pensions are often structured in a complex way and there may be plenty of material for an ingenious expert to get his teeth into .
26 If you live in a low-lying area where there are ponds and canals , there may be plenty of mosquitoes and gnats around in summer .
27 For other children they probably are getting enough social interaction , there may be plenty of children around , but educationally , in terms of the sort of basics for education they may be extremely deprived .
28 For other children they probably are getting enough social interaction , there may be plenty of children around , but educationally , in terms of the sort of basics for education they may be extremely deprived .
29 If so , there may be something worth learning from that person .
30 Nevertheless , there may be something to be said for the notion of denunciation .
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