Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'll be there to work .
2 Some of the landowning agencies that are most restrictive are those which might be though to be answerable to the public , or have their best interests at heart : the Forestry Commission , the Ministry of Defence and sometimes even the National Trust come to mind .
3 It was to this latter end that Wilson 's journeyings were largely devoted , while the emphasis of his argument was that acceptance of the union 's position , far from creating a tyranny of trade unionism , would lead to greater discrimination in recruitment and to higher standards of seamanship and greater efficiency which would be greatly to the advantage of the shipowners themselves .
4 His presence , of course , will make things rather difficult for Canaris which will be all to the good . ’
5 On 8 March 1779 he wrote to his ambassador , ‘ We can provide plans which will be sufficiently to the taste of M. de Florida Blanca ’ , and a small planning group , which included the French Minister of War , the Prince de Montbarey , and of Marine , Gabriel de Sartine , was set up .
6 Oh we had whistles , and strangely enough , very seldom did we use them , simply because there were other traffic about that time if you were a long way away , er you might be nearly to , if you blew your whistle , there were nobody to hear you , I mean people in houses , and they were only few and far between .
7 cos I said you 'll be here to midnight David and then on the day we were going he stopped me and Jane , little Jane , she was coming down the stairs behind me , I 'd been up for a fax , and I do n't know where she 'd been , she was behind me and as she come down the stairs I was listening and he said got her hand ooh he said I am gon na miss you my dear , so she said yes I 'll miss Hodems as well , he said you have got a way with your words have n't you , he said for one strange minute I thought you were gon na say you 'll miss me too
8 We 'll be across to Colin as soon as the half time whistle goes .
9 Yet there may be less to this unambiguous declaration than meets the eye .
10 There may be more to it .
11 But there may be more to this than comradely debate .
12 There may be more to this than meets the eye ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) as just once in a while I have taken zander during the daytime in water that has been so clear that I would have rated my chances as zero .
13 She said there must be more to it than just worrying about wanting a small waist , and she was right : out it came .
14 It is so simple that I have known clever men misunderstand it completely , thinking that there must be more to it !
15 But I ca n't help feeling that there must be more to it than that .
16 And I 've had at least three real girlfriends , so there must be more to me than bad skin , frizzy hair and a slouch .
17 Or we can decide that there must be more to being alive than this and , like Jonathan Livingston Seagull , become intrepid explorers of life 's possibilities .
18 In the same way that the spectacle of a butterfly or a peacock still arouses the feeling that there must be more to it than evolution , consciousness insists there must be more to itself than that .
19 In the same way that the spectacle of a butterfly or a peacock still arouses the feeling that there must be more to it than evolution , consciousness insists there must be more to itself than that .
20 Admittedly they were only nineteen , but surely , he reasoned , there must be more to married life than this ?
21 SO MANY have praised Graeme Hick that there must be more to him than has been revealed .
22 There must be more to this country squire than was disclosed by his clipped mannerisms and his habit of smiling each time he spoke , as though to ease his way through a dubious world .
23 There must be more to him than Beatrice thought .
24 It all started when he decided there must be more to life than selling plants and motor spares , and set off to seek his fortune in Australia with £100 in his pocket .
25 Without sounding too clichéd about it , there should be more to it than that .
26 Like many people , maybe you 're feeling that there should be more to a summer holiday than sun , sea and of course , crowds .
27 There should be more to alternative comedy than saying FILOFAX .
28 It seemed to the hedgehog that there should be more to it than that .
29 And if you 're old or poor or handicapped or just think there should be more to life than this — then go to hell .
30 ‘ Anyway , ’ he perked up , ‘ if it is the Old Ones , it would explain the telepathic pollution , and there 'll be more to it that we have n't thought about yet , but we 'll find out later . ’
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