Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [adv] [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I might not even get it bu
2 It was a smashing walk on a beautiful day and sitting listening to the bands playing in the sunshine was as near to heaven as I 'll probably ever get .
3 I do n't think it 's something I 'll ever really get over .
4 I do n't think I 'll ever totally get over it .
5 I could n't even get that right .
6 As for point ( b ) , I could n't even get my brain cells around the questions never mind the answers .
7 ‘ I was n't getting any respect , any money ; I could n't even get hold of Richard when I wanted to , so I decided to put my foot down and straighten things out .
8 I could n't even get up Plumpton Street so I came up Fitzclarence but there were fires and damage there too . ’
9 Anyway , ’ she added with a rueful look , ‘ I could n't even get a cup of tea .
10 There were twenty five thousand , I , I would n't like to see twenty five thousand on that ground again , because I , I used to smoke at the time and we were packed that tight in the ground I could n't even get my hands down to my pockets to get a cigarette out , so the erm after the first few games they started to draw at home and then they seemed to lose the impetus and that they still held a good position in the league , but the following season Liverpool were in the second division at the time , and I , I went to that match and Walsall scored first through Colin and er , they went on to beat us six-one in the end .
11 And after that I could n't really get back into it .
12 I could n't really get out of it . ’
13 So I could n't really get into the habit .
14 I could n't quite get my head around the fact that this vast underground world existed , going on and on underground with chambers , tunnels , streams and pools , all underneath hills , roads and houses .
15 Sorry I could n't quite get that .
16 I could n't possibly get the peg in the door before he got his foot in it .
17 ‘ Well , he wanted it tonight but I managed to convince him I could n't possibly get that much money together before tomorrow night . ’
18 I could n't get a knee up to break its back , either , because I was almost slipping down the slope as it was , and I could n't possibly get any purchase on that surface with only one leg .
19 It does n't matter that I could n't ever get myself across to other people .
20 But I could just not get to sleep that night , and she was only a baby at the time , she could n't sleep .
21 I said that I thought I could just about get my act together sufficiently to come .
22 I could just about get mine on it .
23 Its door was only a metre high and half a metre wide , so I could only just get inside on my hands and knees .
24 I could never quite get a picture of her from Elizabeth .
25 I 'd rather not get into it . ’
26 I 'd much rather get involved that way than just stand about watching .
27 I could see a noose had been thrown round my neck I 'd maybe never get free from .
28 ‘ Look at me now , I ca n't even get up the stairs . ’
29 All this way and fuck it , I ca n't even get in .
30 I ca n't even get a bus pass .
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