Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 All of them add to the quality of life of the residents , and many of them may also help you enjoy your work too .
2 What pleases me may not please you , and my recommendation may disappoint you — and then what would you think ?
3 There was a long silence before Ipuky continued , ‘ What is said about me should not concern you .
4 I may even give you some more . ’
5 I may even give you a bonus if Silvia does well in her exams . ’
6 I may well take you up on the offer . ’
7 I may well keep you here for your entertainment value . ’
8 If I may just refer you sir to er my appendix which it actually the last page of your papers erm er if you see on it is actually page numbered thirty one and it 's paragraph thirteen thirty six at the very back of the papers .
9 Just watch it , said Jay , sipping brandy , breathing fire , I may just stomp you with my hairy great mammoth foot .
10 ‘ And if I may not have you permanently , then a little temporary use would satisfy me , I think . ’
11 They stopped just beyond the steps of the food office and , all the irritation seeming to flow from him , he looked at her meekly now as he said , ‘ I may not see you again for weeks .
12 ‘ Connie , I may not see you again .
13 Dear Bill ( if I may so call you )
14 I may never see you again Elsie but even if I never do I can not change the way I feel .
15 I may never see you again , but you have Mrs Gracie with you , who will look after the children and the house .
16 ‘ Then I ought not to hold you , to talk to you like this ?
17 Someone may even give you some appreciation back , and say , ‘ Thank you for your appreciation , Linda . ’
18 If I had been older and wiser at the time , then I would have been sorely tempted to write back ( on Mother 's behalf ) something like this : ‘ My dear son , I must regretfully inform you , not with malice but with sorrow , that money is not easy to come by .
19 I must just tell you this , Laura did make me laugh , cos she said she stood up and she said , I 'm gon na give my talk about cats so I said , fine .
20 Well , I must n't hold you up .
21 ‘ Well , I must n't monopolise you .
22 I must n't tell you that I want to bury myself in your body ? ’ he enquired .
23 I must n't detain you ! ’
24 Er Andrea , er it 's gone eleven I must n't detain you any longer .
25 I must n't frighten you before you 've been here a week , ’ Hortensia said .
26 ‘ But I must n't confuse you .
27 I must n't keep you , Chief Inspector .
28 ‘ You will be late , ’ she said , ‘ I must n't keep you longer . ’
29 Anyway , I must n't keep you .
30 Presently she said , ‘ Now I must n't keep you , I only sought you out in your lair because this benighted village boasts no telephone , one has to be one 's own messenger — well , as they say , on est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même .
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