Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I am enclosing tickets for the new play and as they are in the front stalls , I may see you as I come on , ; but do not expect me to salute you , you understand , as I shall be taken up with my part .
2 We had a good Christian upbringing , and I know I ought to condemn him if that 's the case , but I do n't .
3 Not only am I expected to love Belle Maman , she thought , but now I must love IT as well .
4 Now I see , he wrote , that I must abandon it as I have abandoned everything else .
5 Aye I must ask you once you once you had your sort of main tunnels built and your light and then you would start concentrating on your chambers ?
6 They are getting some new designs in this morning , and I must see them before they are snapped up . ’
7 I 'll try — I really will try — only wait a minute , Maman , I 've got to tell you — I must say it before you go . "
8 I must find him before I sail home , and come to think of it I 'll need to fix the boat too !
9 I should recognize him when I see him — we were playmates . ’
10 Well I should leave it till the weekend things could change .
11 To avoid the risk of a disturbance in the middle of town I should leave it until he 's returned home .
12 So he thinks I should do you because he despises me , too , and he thinks I 'm God 's scum .
13 And so I should do you because you shave under your armpits and maybe you would have a baby and that would spite your father . ’
14 I should watch them if I were you , Chips , the Fraud boys from City tell me they are a bit dicey .
15 Oh I should make it if I were you .
16 ‘ I 've made you a cup of coffee — and I should drink it while it 's still hot , if I were you . ’
17 I should like it if you would join us for lunch .
18 Did you know I feel that if I thought ( and if you ever did , I should know it as soon as the thought had crossed your brain ) you doubted my perfect love , truth , sincerity and striving for goodness , I must indeed give up all the good I have gained , and gain daily , by your love and mine .
19 Erm , I wondered if I should ask her if she 's going to the chinese tomorrow if she wants to drop in on the way home .
20 yeah , imagine what , hey do you , do you reckon I should ask her if she wants to stay at Steven
21 I should appreciate it if you would have a few words with her , unless , of course , you approve of such behaviour .
22 But I did n't trust myself , Pat , I thought I might harm her if she was with me while I felt like this . ’
23 I might enjoy it if I try ’
24 thought I might ask you while I 'm here about
25 I might ask you if you were pleased .
26 I might ask you if you were contemplating marriage .
27 I 'll do them when you 're erm cos I meant to do them and I forgot all about it .
28 She kept saying ‘ Oh , the nurses do n't matter and the doctors are afraid of me — I 'll do it before I come out . ’
29 I 'll do it before you 're up in the morning
30 I 'll do it because they ask me to , but I do n't feel , like , ‘ Oh God , I 'm a big star signing autographs . ’
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