Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] [adv] its " in BNC.

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1 In trying to educate people against using it , I would emphasise not its dangers but the fact that ultimately it is a complete waste of time and money .
2 The dislocation happened and he saw this stout , handsomely dressed man , almost gasping m front of a pale-eyed , pale-faced clergyman , the two of them in the consecrated atmosphere of a church which could trace back its foundation on that spot through about thirteen hundred years .
3 I 'm a perfectly engineered Kill machine , which will carry out its orders until they 've been implemented or I 've been destroyed .
4 This beauty comes from Sumatra and prefers soft acid water , which will coax out its best colouration .
5 The exterior of the whole building itself is also about to receive new cladding which will smarten up its slightly dilapidated appearance .
6 In the description of the sprinkler and the apron , and especially the altar , the internalization of law ( as disguise ) results in this sacrilege within reverence , an intimacy with law which can blow apart its ideological effect ( revealing the hidden side of the altar ) — and with a strange knowing innocence strangely inseparable from that intimacy .
7 There was no rain in the darkness , and she could make even its sound go away by concentrating hard for a few moments .
8 And if a few romantics mutter against the ‘ satanic mills ’ , despoliation of the countryside and pollution of the skies from the factory chimneys , the machine shunts them aside as surely as it repulses those Luddites who would shut down its engines if they only knew how .
9 Quantum mechanically we may know either its position or its momentum but not both .
10 Now if we consult this record , and remember the success , in giving it its modern form , of a gallery of reformers of roughly utilitarian hue from Tom Paine , Bentham , J.S. Mill , and Tolstoy , to Bernard Shaw , Sidney and Beatrice Webb , and Evelyn Strachey , we might wonder why its provisions for animals do not embody more closely the ideals of that theory .
11 For a classical particle we can know both its position and momentum , where it is and what it is doing .
12 They say it is good news and they will shop where its cheaper .
13 Together these give the Convention its terms of reference and some guidance as to how it should set about its task .
14 • The Japanese motoring industry is meanwhile considering if it should slow down its expansion into the luxury car market , due to the Gulf crisis hitting fuel prices .
15 As far as the authority of the board is concerned , it must carry out its functions according to the powers conferred upon it by the company 's articles .
16 Not a bad idea , but if the British Wild Boar Association , already bristling with problems , is to combat that threat it must sort out its standards .
17 Unlike the problems which surround retirement from work , the loss of the parental role has not been widely discussed as a social issue , and certainly not in terms of the problems and difficulties it might bring in its wake .
18 Only seven positions will be lost in the UK , and the 235-strong Bristol-based operation says it 'll break out its year-end figures from overall Dun & Bradstreet Software numbers for the first time on December 11 .
19 The NPA declared that it would step up its insurgency and launch attacks " without prejudice to all relief and rehabilitation efforts " .
20 It would form immediately its own army and police ( " foreign " troops could be deployed only with Armenia 's permission ) , and had the right to control its own natural resources , banks , economic policy and foreign relations .
21 It would hand over its property to its constituent republican bodies to decide their fate independently .
22 The Bulgarian government announced on July 10 that it would close down its two oldest nuclear reactors , following a highly critical report on their safety commissioned by the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) .
23 Since Hoylake launched its first £13billion bid in the summer , BAT has promised shareholders that it will carry out its own partial break-up of the group .
24 Since Hoylake launched its first £13billion bid in the summer , BAT has promised shareholders that it will carry out its own partial break-up of the group .
25 It was reported in yesterday 's press , however , that North Korea has now agreed to the principle of the nuclear-free Korean peninsula , although it has yet to confirm that it will open up its nuclear installations at Yongbyon and any underground sites to inspection .
26 Meanwhile , Apple Computer Inc says it will fit out its Quadra 700/900 AUX 3.0 servers with DigiBoard multi-port boards , whilst a new worldwide OEM deal will see IBM supply DigiBoard 128-port asynchronous cluster controllers for its RS/6000 series .
27 Platz der Akademie — surely it will get back its old name , Gendarmenmarkt — is graced by Karl Friedrich Schinkel 's Schauspielhaus , flanked by two cathedrals .
28 Fujitsu Ltd is having to cast around feverishly for ways to cut its costs , and says it will scale back its planned development projects on semiconductors to cut costs for new production facilities : ‘ We will more carefully choose which development projects to work on so that we will sell only profitable products , ’ a spokesman told Reuters in Tokyo , adding that the effect would be to trim the number of different chip products in its line by some 20% .
29 A minnow , called the satinfin shiner , purrs , the cod grunts , while the haddock 's love song resembles a motorbike and it will keep up its unmelodious call for 20 minutes at a time .
30 It will twine round its support , after being directed towards it .
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