Example sentences of "[pron] [subord] [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then he seized the bag of cookies , and on his way back indoors , threw them where he considered they belonged , in the trash can with the rest of the garbage .
2 The cops saw me where they thought I should n't be , so they got curious .
3 He 'd like the power and he 'd like knowing he had me where he wanted me .
4 But Bob said to me where I bought it from , he said I do n't think it would survive the winter because it comes from the Scilly Isles which is warmer .
5 There 'd been some snow , and erm er he was n't well , and could I if I cared I could look for a work elsewhere , as i it was just impossible for him to pay wages , you see ?
6 And that I ca n't I wo n't go on my if I did it going off it would go over there .
7 I said well no I cos I said I expected a co I think she deserved a more than a commended .
8 I am his because he created me !
9 At last she stretched out her own hand , but as he took it he allowed it to rest briefly in his before he tightened his grip , applying the necessary force to assist her to her feet .
10 I mean we would n't of known , I never saw that erm , you know diamond thing with , four , I mean even then I when we bought them I was thinking four sixty fives , that 'll be two sixty and erm three sixty , so you save a bit really do n't you ?
11 I kept looking in mine when I when I had it once I thought ooh .
12 Well he was dashing out when I when I called him erm his wife answered the phone and she said you just him he 's going out at the door so he came rushing back and I said I wanted him to judge champion of champions and the and I said there 'll be two and he said , hang on , and he 's write it down said I 'll just stick it all at one and see to it when I come back , oh I got ta go and he went .
13 ‘ Where was I when you asked me if I wanted to marry a devious man like you ? ’
14 Oh , yes , well I mean I o obviously I When she worked She used to get up I 'll tell you another thing that she used to do .
15 And as I as I told you before , we was on the main concourse , heard the glass smashed , we come down a stairwell on , come round the back , saw the two , or saw two persons in the back garden , asked them what they were doing buy which time the the curtain went up in smoke , well up in flames .
16 Erm when I came on to the flats I came with an open mind and I was gon na you know take things as I as I met them .
17 I thought you 'd had yours when you made mine .
18 Had Mariot 's lips moved under his when he kissed her ?
19 He bustled in one day , rubbing his hands , a fashion of his when he had something unpleasant on his mind .
20 She smiled trustingly at him and his heart melted the way it did when his small nieces slipped their hands into his when he took them out .
21 I though I told you to go out and play . ’
22 ‘ I guess they 'll get round to dragging it off to the junk yard , ’ said Billie , her arm linked through his as they made their way back towards the car .
23 She admitted it tempestuously as Luke deprived her of the erotic stimulation of his mouth , opening her eyes just in time to see the blaze of triumph in his as he heard her .
24 To my astonishment and chagrin Ellen left her hand in his as he opened his eyes and smiled at her .
25 Angrily he crushed her mouth harder against his as he plundered her lips with a ferocity that took her breath away .
26 For his part he noticed , not the dress but the slender-waisted , full-breasted figure it adorned ; the pretty face and the abundant dark hair which the bonnet framed ; the large amber eyes which met his as he helped her in .
27 Aidan was a better authority on women than any of the rest of them so they followed him willingly .
28 ‘ It 's possible there could be conflicts between them so we felt it was important to have discussions now . ’
29 Duncan was too afraid to taste them so he shut his baby dinosaur lips and shook his head again .
30 We all liked wearing them so I made everybody one in flowery silk . ’
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