Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] they [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 I mean the only country I spent a lot of time in , in , in Europe is Austria , and then I only stopped in remote villages , you know , more or less , so er , I mean they rely on eh , tourist trade , they rely on tourist trade , where , where I 've
2 but I mean they work on a sort of cash basis and er the lorries just drive up , get loaded up , course you just have to queue , he said if you get behind six or seven lorries by the time you 've got your load then you 've got to get back to where your doing the job , then you 've only got about two or three hours daylight left , this is why these , these obviously go round there , say do three or four in one area and you get one load get it out get the job done , you know , and when his paid out cash that time of the morning they the do n't care you have to pay
3 I , I mean they did on the farms .
4 They , they 're just not getting back right now , I do n't know if it 's just to be sensitive to her or whether it 's just because , you know , they 're gon na see each o I mean they live on the same road , they 'll probably see each other this weekend .
5 In an interview in 1983 Bishop Peter said : ‘ I have a house full of young people who spend a year with me praying and working in the community to get closer to God , and I let them impinge on my ministry .
6 The thing is I suppose they rely on word of mouth .
7 I think they start on the eighteenth
8 It was the same with the herring gutters that was here , I mind them working on the pier down here , and they all had their fingers tied up with Clotes There was the skill that work in this .
9 But some , such as the Portuguese man-of-war ( Physalia ) and the velella , have sacs full of gas , which enable them to float on the surface , trailing their poisonous tentacles to catch fish that come to browse in the surface water .
10 The HMI document The Curriculum from 5 to 16 suggests that ‘ all that pupils learn should be practical , and therefore relevant , in ways which enable them to build on it or use it for their own purposes in everyday life ’ .
11 Police had to be called to the Ferry Side Beach , near Carmarthen , yesterday as tension rose and tempers flared in a confrontation between the visiting cocklers and locals , who say they rely on the cockles for their livelihoods .
12 You know they checked on Doug Wilson and Rodney Shergold as well ? ’
13 Those things do n't sound fearsome — till you see them used on a man 's body . ’
14 And when you see them racing on the television !
15 When we hear them bellow on the
16 Once hatched , they begin to feed on zooplankton and as they grow they prey on larger species and they are even cannibalistic .
17 Erm now , so he said erm that 's what they 're aiming for this thing that they want them to do on May the eighteenth plus a sponsorship walk on the sixth of June
18 See dockers are only protected , when they say they go on strike , they 're only protecting their own jobs in my opinion .
19 Give you headlines and then they start and they go they expand on each headline , do n't they ?
20 They , and and they they 've they 've on the ba ba had their unions run the blessed country !
21 What have they got on their heads ?
22 To keep themselves awake they sat on the floor and told stories .
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