Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] in [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not sending him there I 'll have to get Geoff to tell you about the story of , you know erm drama he says is pretty bad because , I mean in drama you sort of mess about any way do n't ya ?
2 In fact , I think in Bournemouth you can actually make locals on Mercury now at the normal rate which is good !
3 I think , I think in fact you 're , you 're not having the problems that we 're having where it 's very difficult so you 've got er a really nice representation but have n't quite gone far enough .
4 For an update of what I have in stock you can give me a ring anytime , but visits are by appointment only at the moment .
5 Anyway , it 's not a matter for us I know , that er depending on where you sit in conference you can have difficulty seeing the no smoking signs , but I 've every confidence you 're gon na take my word for this .
6 As you gain in confidence you and the children will probably soon find that there is never enough time to do all the things you want to do .
7 I 'm due I 'm meant to go to a diabetic clinic again , you know in Strathclyde you know .
8 once you get in bed you 'll be like
9 He concluded by saying that if you believe in God you have to find other ways to convince people that He exists , and that was not something to be discussed in this lesson .
10 ‘ If you believe in miracles you can make them happen ! ’
11 If you live in heaven you live in the sinless It would be totally inconsistent , therefore , to pers to persist in your sinful ways , opposing God in your life .
12 So when you holiday in Britain you can wish for good weather and only hope for the best .
13 You see in Spain you buy packets of wine , they 're like
14 You see in theory you should n't really get pe premenstrual problems on the pill but people do .
15 Oh I 'm sorry but they are so , oh what , well actually we live in Majorca you know ?
16 that Jackie will tell you the same , I told her mother anything from thirty to forty years ago I said , that do n't matter some toss what political power they get in power you 'll find the unions will run the country
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