Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With the borrowed gun I keep him covered while I back to the cabin door and open it .
2 I sell to the purchasing committees of the many regions .
3 I repair to the bank with the intention of changing some more dollars and wave the wad of readies at the teller as well .
4 Erm in terms of taking up their ideas , guiding them , encouraging them etcetera an and saying look , you know , this is okay er er er I mean to an extent that would depend on how much military security there was in the area .
5 Well t I mean to the extent that that is happening , that there is a development of trade on the sort of , you know , with the periphery of the empire and with erm areas outside the empire , and that was certainly happening in this period , I do n't see why it should have a significant impact on the peasant population because there is n't really any evidence that it 's , in a sense , trickling down and enriching the peasantry .
6 Can we talk about job description , because I am not clear about those , I mean to the end of the audit , I , I rang up to day and asked about whether the , who should be signing them .
7 I bring to the Minister 's attention the correspondence between West Lothian district council and the hon. Member for Edinburgh , West ( Lord James Douglas-Hamilton ) , the Under-Secretary of State , on precisely the difficulties that a council , whether district or regional , has on the whole issue of competitive tendering .
8 I represent a constituency very near Westminster and I bring to the House many groups of youngsters from schools .
9 I support the motion and I bring to the House the support of the North-West Channel Tunnel Group , which consists of a vast range of north-west commercial interests , and of the North of England Regional Consortium , which consists of many local authorities from the north of England .
10 I plummet to the bottom of a deep , deep well .
11 That 's what I say to a lot of people today , they moan about dockers but they 're only fighting for their rights .
12 I say to the orchestra , this is not the way ; you must think of the last bars as a fermata , a fermata that lasts the entire length of the coda .
13 ‘ She 's almost new , ’ I say to the customer .
14 Therefore , I say to the Minister , ’ Gird your loins .
15 And erm , this is why I say to the Co-op now er they know my feelings because my husband had only got erm he had er trans works transport which when he retired erm he , he , said well what are we going to do ?
16 In indee indeed I do , because if the if I say to the Inspector that erm if he feels there is a need to identify additional areas for residential development near to York in the short term , then I need to tell him that there are no overriding constraints to the development of these sites .
17 I fly to the door .
18 Luke , Gusto and I race to the beach and into the sea .
19 I suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear intellectual distinction can be drawn between evidence that relates to those who are parties to a trial and those who are not parties to a trial .
20 I feel sorry for the little girl and I suggest to the writer that she consoles her daughter by telling her that the vile custom of killing wild animals for fun is on the way out , that almost all british people feel as she does , and are determined to end such cruelty , and that she can help to bring about its end by supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and talking about the work they do to her schoolfriends .
21 ‘ If I suggest to the King that he spends Christmas at Scone and attends special Masses of Supplication for the continued well-being of his country , would you support me ? ’
22 Despite the undoubted hardship , not only to the famous such as the hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West and other hon. Members , but to those who are known only to their families — I know from correspondence that many ordinary people suffer hardship because of what is said and done in court cases — I suggest to the House that we interfere with this at our peril , and at peril to our liberties and system of open justice .
23 I apologise to the House .
24 They were made of diamonds , not gold , but I wore them when I want to a ball and never felt my immortal soul in danger because of that .
25 okay , sentence , sentence , I want to the end of the sentence .
26 I head to the sauna , and Bob stops me in the corridor .
27 ‘ You 'll have to wait while I nip to the loo , ’ said the grinning Baker , trotting the other way .
28 For the moment I cling to the idea that there are a relatively small number of cell-to-cell signals .
29 The hon. Member for Knowsley , South ( Mr. O'Hara ) — whom I welcome to the Chamber — missed that point in Committee , where we enjoyed the confusion that reigned on the Opposition Benches in respect of this issue .
30 ‘ I give most of the prize money I earn to the Church .
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