Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [vb pp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Placing it on the table , he said ruefully , ‘ I seem fated to come across casualties .
2 I 'll be every morning I get shaved going to work in the morning .
3 I had no intention to going into the art business and although I had done ‘ extra art ’ at school , I sully intended going on the stage .
4 On the rare occasions when I feel moved to write to magazines , it 's usually with my Angry-Of-West-Midlands hat on .
5 Now , and while anxious not to bore the pants off either of my faithful readers , I feel bound to return to and to expand upon the theme as a result of what I consider to be a truly appalling piece of recent news .
6 I am not one who crawls , but I feel bound to respond to such attacks on my right hon. Friend .
7 As I lie uneasily in the cab , I wonder why it is that I feel propelled to barge in here .
8 AS someone who has played rugby ( at a humble level ) in England , Canada and the USA , I feel compelled to comment on Randall Lieberman 's discussion of rugby 's low profile in the States ( RW&P , May ) .
9 I feel compelled to write after spending almost two annoying and frustrating hours browsing round music shops in the ‘ World Famous Tin Pan Alley ’ ( unfortunately there 's no sarcasm key on this word processor ) , otherwise known as Denmark Street in London .
10 I 've decided to opt for a quiet role , ’ she had said .
11 Peter , I 've decided to go to Geneva .
12 I 've come home in rather a hurry , because I 've decided to go to Brazil . ’
13 ‘ I imagined I heard a hint of dismissal in your words — so I 've decided to go to bed . ’
14 I 've decided to come with you — as your hostess .
15 I 've decided to fly to New York — main HQ of INCUBUS , then on to Boston where they have another top secret outfit .
16 ‘ So I 've decided to stay on a bit .
17 Ever since childhood I 've wanted to go to Disneyworld , I 'm just a big kid at heart I know .
18 ‘ It 's what I 've wanted to do for a long time , so long that I ca n't remember a time when the name Tony Radcliffe did n't send me into a violent rage ! ’
19 Ever since I won a short-story competition some years ago I 've wanted to write for magazines .
20 Okay , I 've said go for the obvious ones did n't I ?
21 I 've bothered , I 've gone looking for the child inside myself .
22 I 've grown to realise over the past few weeks just how much the place really does mean to you , ’ he said quietly .
23 The committee has asked from time to time , that I keep it updated with er European legislation , in so far as it affects employments matters , and this I 've intended to do in Paper K. There are two Appendix .
24 I 've missed talking to you .
25 I 've begun preparing for Go ‘ 92 .
26 Over the years I suppose I 've become known as a dotty naturalist but I try to be rational and I think it 's a pity the Greens are n't more practical .
27 The fossils that they can see in such cores are mainly the fossils of single celled organisms , radiolarians , blobigurina , things of that kind , and the data I 've seen published on this actually are pretty gradualist in their interpretation .
28 I do n't insist what I 've done has to be important forever to the theatre .
29 Some of the skinheads I 've met admit to having ‘ gone through ’ one or other of the parties of the extreme right , but , after a brief commitment , the enthusiasm tends to lapse along with the membership .
30 And the the women and that who live in that area , tend I 've noticed to walk on the other side of the road anyway .
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