Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I mean apart from that , yeah I mean you 're marvellous
2 You know , I mean even at these diet clubs , oh well , you know do n't stop going out just eat what you , but if you go out and you 're eating sweets for you know , after your dinner
3 I think it 's very hard to separate the two , but it 's a big chicken and egg , to say which came first , the social conditions or the furnishings is erm is very hard to say , but they are , I mean like in that example that I just gave , they 're very strongly tied up .
4 I do intend to er to attend inaugural meetings with each of the C P O s er with a view to looking I mean obviously at some stages you said to me that I would probably have to attend at short notice
5 So now , now I mean now with all the radar and whatever else we 're using , I mean you should really be able to find fish .
6 I lay there for many hours , but at last I fell asleep , and in my small , helpless boat , dreamed of home and the Admiral Benbow .
7 And we pre-process the data as I say commonly for all the neurons before we present it to our three neurons .
8 However , I disagree strongly with some of her comments and I begin by disagreeing with her that the north-east is as isolated as she thinks it is .
9 ‘ A bicycle is the thing I want most in all the world ! ’
10 Suzie and I ease away from each other .
11 You wish to think all the world respectable , and are hurt if I speak ill of any body .
12 I look forward to all of us joining in this great challenge of the next decade . ’
13 I do want to tell you quite simply and sincerely how much I look forward to that .
14 I look forward to that day — I 'm not in the big load carrier league !
15 I look forward to that . ’
16 I look forward to that . ’
17 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will make some further reference to that assessment in his speech , and I look forward to that .
18 I look forward to that beginning to apply to the teaching profession .
19 I look forward to that — and so , I know , will Mr. Stevenson when I tell him . ’
20 no , so we did n't have an invite I know , I mean normally I 'm taken every year you know , there , to see the old time musical which is great and I look forward to that but cos I did n't get , get there and I love going to Leah Manning as I say we have dancing there on a Wednesday afternoon it 's great , I enjoy it ever so much and I meet all my friends there that I have n't seen for years , you know , that I used to go to clubs with and they 've all arrived there now you know it 's great to see them , I thoroughly enjoy it .
21 I look forward to that day .
22 I said to Cheryl please do n't go and invite to come to yours for dinner now and because insult us cos we 're not without him cos I 'm prepared to go I look forward to that .
23 I look forward to that .
24 I look forward to many more exciting developments in the future . ’
25 The mail from home is now arriving fairly frequently and I look forward to each day hoping that a letter will arrive from Fiona .
26 ‘ Do you think I look forward to this , Sir John ?
27 I look forward to this country being in the vanguard of the single currency because of the advantages that it will bring us and the Community .
28 He described it as ‘ an honour ’ , adding : ‘ I look forward to another wonderful summer 's cricket against one of the top sides in the world . ’
29 how I look just at this second or anything !
30 While I owe much to that tradition and trust that I am still persona grata within it , in many respects I have gone beyond Evangelical thought on matters to do with the Church and sacraments .
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