Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [pron] can not " in BNC.

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1 I regret I can not give the correct pronunciation of the Gaelic names of the mountains : I never mastered them , adopting instead roughly similar English equivalents ; thus , for example , Ceathreamhnan to me was Chrysanthemum …
2 I regret I can not give the petitioner relief .
3 But I regret I can not agree with some of the reasoning in the judgments .
4 well I , I mean we can not leave it lying around , erm do you know what Mr position is on Monday ?
5 I mean I can not believe that the guy
6 but I mean you can not tell me that , that
7 As I eat I can not help but notice the Frenchman attending to the pig ; he has now cut the animal 's throat and has set alight to the straw , the flames and smoke engulfing the unfortunate pig .
8 I fear I can not help you .
9 I fear I can not help you , ’ the voice concluded smoothly .
10 You must forgive me , Mrs O'Dell , I fear I can not stay for coffee — I have many other calls upon my time .
11 And I fear I can not answer that question to anyone 's satisfaction .
12 I fear he can not last much longer …
13 ‘ It had been my intention to ask Tom to help manage Handley Farm , but I realise he can not possibly take on such a task now he has been asked to perform similar duties on behalf of the manor . ’
14 I realise you can not afford to run all the time but , that said , it should still be the first thing you have a look at , ’ he reasoned .
15 I know I can not go unless you let me , please let me go .
16 But in my heart of hearts I know I can not telephone him .
17 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
18 I assume you can not , for already the feelings I had at the time are inscrutable to me , so imbued was I with an electric sense of occasion .
19 I confess I can not really see worm watching catching on as a mass pursuit with worm watcher clubs and organised field visits , but I did hear of an infants ' school where the worm has joined the tadpole as a creature for study .
20 Such chivalry is rarely met with by such as I , and although I know I should refuse it , for it will put you in debt , I confess I can not . ’
21 Beyond that I believe we can not go , although there are occasionally tantalizing groups of poems on related themes , either brought together by the editor/printer or composed as deliberate variations on a theme , and perhaps copied out on a ‘ sheet ’ of paper , folio size , folded ( which we know was a unit of composition and occasionally payment in Elizabethan poetry and drama ) .
22 BELVILLE : [ aside ] I find I can not master my passion for her .
23 BELVILLE : I had thought you should have sat at table with me , but when I find you can not forget your original but must prefer my menials to me , you shall wait on me while I sup .
24 I suppose one can not end without mentioning the church ghost .
25 I suppose I can not complain , the wine was scrounged from the Officers quarters at Brigade H.Q just before we left that area .
26 You have in your possession a copy of my report , I feel I can not thank members adequately , those who collect subscriptions and those members who made such lovely vestments ; for their dedication to the Guild .
27 Yet I feel I can not do that without offending you , Li Yuan .
28 I feel I can not — never , never ! ’
29 I feel I can not mention them all yet again , much as I should like to .
30 Concerning those who die in their sins Jesus said ‘ Whither I go ye CAN NOT come . ’
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