Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [pron] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because we made love , because I 'm physically attracted to you , it does n't mean that I owe you an involved explanation of my private life . ’
2 Then , his expression suddenly turning serious , he said , ‘ I owe you an abject apology . ’
3 I know what an important part your family has played in his return to the Faith . ’
4 Choir night , so I get myself an early supper .
5 I find it an interesting drive .
6 Rachel and I wait at the little barrier in the station terminus , and again I think what an ordinary pair of holidaymakers we must look — too tatty to be honeymooners , but the same kind of contentment together .
7 I think it an excellent idea , ’ Athelstan murmured .
8 I offer you an entire war in one second . ’
9 I refer here to cases in which sexual behaviour or play with other children becomes obsessive in nature and frequency — or where it is imposed against the wishes of other children involved ; cases in which masturbation becomes a near-total preoccupation , or is carried out in circumstances which make it an aggressive act or one of attention-seeking ; or those in which the very nature of sexual activity shows that its implications are fully understood regardless of age .
10 All along its sides the railway is flanked by grass verges and small scrubby bushes which make it an ideal habitat for wild flowers and birds so keep looking for these as you walk along .
11 Most of the present problems of industrial societies are felt acutely in the United Kingdom , which make it an ideal starting point for comparative research and analysis .
12 We take in a lot more oxygen , our blood pressure rises and our brains release chemicals called endorphins which give us an immediate high .
13 You know what an old woman Apthorp can be .
14 It 's not often you find yourself an enforced eavesdropper on two people screwing each other up with murder in their hearts .
15 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
16 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
17 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
18 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
19 The idea has had opponents who claim its an easy option for people who would otherwise be behind bars .
20 Again , you 'll see a good example of that , where closed questions are good in a situation if you want to get a direct answer to somebody who tends to waffle , but again , if you 're asked closed questions and you want to give information , it is harder , it 's easier if you ask somebody an open question and on the film , John Cleese comes up with the starters to an open question , which are the Who , What , Which , Why , Where , When questions .
21 ‘ Does it still happen to you , John , that you look back at yourself as you were six months ago and you think what an ignorant , innocent goose you were !
22 Actually , the speaker that was talking about this was suggesting we give them an enormous amount of real tangible assets , er without it costing us anything .
23 the thing is , you see , if we do it an American flavour I mean , people expect heavy rock music in an
24 They show us an exquisite quantity of French cured meats , smoked crayfish , mayonnaise , salads , champagne , pâté , patisserie and chocolates .
25 They charge you an extra quid for booking with a credit card , and say they ca n't be held responsible if the postman wobs the ticket in transit .
26 They give us an immediate apprehension of form , albeit with a residual sense that the forms apprehended are illusory .
27 This Meeting know they have no title to impose a Tax upon the Community at large towards this purpose , but they feel it an indispensible duty to express how desirable it would be for the use and service of the inhabitabts of Islay .
28 In other words , they do what an effective non-executive director would do .
29 yeah it was the one leading to the aorta , an aorta , they call it an aortic
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