Example sentences of "[pron] [det] [noun] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But my experiences in Guatemala , where the government has murdered tens of thousands for taking the tiniest steps towards development , have convinced me that non-violence does not always work , and that it is arrogant and dangerous to insist on such methods .
2 Trouble is , the Yanks owe them some money do n't they , and they would n't er
3 For ethical reasons , no social researcher should expose respondents to that possibility , and others over whom this threat does not hang or by whom it is treated lightly , such as ex-policemen and women or disgruntled members of the force , are too unrepresentative to give a balanced view of policing Therefore , it was necessary to undertake an overt study and to obtain permission for the research from the Chief Constable .
4 And we 're constantly trying to convince ourselves that fat does n't matter !
5 And as my few Acquaintance did not take to me upon the Account of Poetry , so they will scarcely fall off upon its ill Success
6 My own efforts to do so have been instructive , but discouraging .
7 Just because I earn my living through my own body does n't mean I do n't have feelings or morals .
8 ‘ I 'm going to make sure my own kids do n't make the same mistakes that I did ’
9 My own attempt to do so is spelled out in The Extended Phenotype , the book that , more than anything else I have achieved in my professional life , is my pride and joy .
10 What they have in common is that one person 's actions have direct costs or benefits for other people which that individual does not take into account .
11 His conclusion , probably acceptable to most parliamentarians , is that Ukraine should ratify START 1 now , but should hold on to the 46 missiles which that treaty does not cover ( though the Lisbon protocol does ) , and delay accession to the NPT .
12 Such cross-terms can not occur in a system that directly represents a chemical reaction , and the variables represent concentrations : the concentration of one chemical species can not be directly decreased by a process in which that chemical does not take part [ 36 ] .
13 But it might be salvaged by the damnatio , to which that restriction did not apply , and which would impose on the heir an obligation to pay the object or its value .
14 This leads us to the disturbing conclusion that there is a degree of subjectivity in identifying a stretch of language as discourse — it may be meaningful and thus communicate to one person in a way which another person does not have the necessary knowledge to make sense of — yet in practice we find that discourse is usually perceived as such by groups , rather than individuals .
15 ‘ She did n't find it unusual to sleep with a minister because there is a whole tradition of courtesans which this country does n't understand .
16 Second , the component of DM which this equation does not account for should not exhibit any pattern for , if it did , then rational agents would exploit that pattern to improve their forecasts .
17 The taxes ( and perhaps the fees of guides which some accounts did not distinguish from taxes ) were collective income of all Zuwaya , effectively of Jlulat , Mannaia and Awlad Amira .
18 There was seldom a meeting in which some speaker did not refer to the need for disestablishment and resolutions were passed in support of Welsh disestablishment , temperance and international arbitration , and against Tory bills on education .
19 It was reputed to be one of Europe 's most disordered cities , and there was scarcely a year in which some rioting did not take place .
20 By killing off the stable element of the fictional character , she abandons a realist notion of the individual identity and the narrative norms which subtend it , freeing the way for a concept of subjectivity and a form of writing in which these factors do not come into play .
21 With regard to Matthias Egger and colleagues ' other points , the adrenaline concentrations were not significantly different between the two studies ( p for the peak value was 0.23 ) , nor ( which these authors do not mention ) was the earlier response with human insulin significant .
22 A company which has a subsidiary undertaking to which these requirements do not apply must take all reasonable steps to secure that the subsidiary keeps such records as will enable the directors of the parent company to ensure that any balance sheet and profit and loss account prepared under Part VII complies with the Act 's requirements .
23 Unless you have regular lessons , which many owners do n't , either because they ca n't afford to or because they ca n't be bothered , it is unlikely that horse ownership will actually improve your riding .
24 This creature ( hereinafter referred to as the Blessed Dawg ) possesses a divine expression of sadness , perception and sensitivity which many humans do not possess .
25 You could have earlies , lates and nights , which many people do n't know , and I worked earlies , lates and night in engineering .
26 Mosses are mostly small plants , and often overlooked , but Fontinalis is a useful aquarium plant which many people do not recognise as a moss , although its common name is Willow Moss .
27 Hardly thrilling , but 27 times funkier than the crap their former manageress does today .
28 That , at least , is the clear implication of yesterday 's statement from Eurotunnel — indicating that the bankers believe their own forecast does not provide an appropriate basis for further finance .
29 There are the careerists amongst the senior management of the school , some of whom will seem to have ‘ sold out to the system ’ : to affect a philosophy in so far as it looks in their own interests to do so , to have become executives and to have lost touch with the pupils .
30 It 's in their own interests to do so .
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