Example sentences of "[pron] [vb pp] [conj] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Was n't I born and reared in a mad house ?
2 But as a consequence , he will now face the sort of brutal attention reserved for the most lauded players in Serie A — the sort of stern treatment Lineker himself encountered and overcame in his successful time in Spain with Barcelona .
3 The civil service found itself penetrated and politicized in the mid-1980s in a manner unknown since the days of Lloyd George .
4 As Walvin ( 1986:9 ) explains , ‘ The country which had developed and then exported the game found itself ostracised and reviled in the world 's footballing fraternity . ’
5 have you arrested and taken in front of a magistrate .
6 Its support had been visibly waning , and it now collapsed and found itself suspended or abolished in the republics .
7 She had crossed it once before , but she knew it would be much more risky today , because the recent heavy rains would have made the surface gluey , and if she slipped or made a false step she might find herself caught and held in the treacly morass of the marsh .
8 At the end of that time she had learned that Amy was married to an Anglican priest and felt herself trapped and manipulated in a relationship in which she was the inferior partner .
9 Charlie , is it roasted and packed in South America ?
10 There is also value in having it sung or played in advance , perhaps on several occasions , by the choir , music group or organist .
11 These are rehearsals , and performances given solely or primarily for the purpose of making a recording or to enable the performance to he broadcast or included in a cable programme , unless it was attended by persons other than those participating for such purposes .
12 The occupier of a private house ( but not the owner of a house who had never entered into possession of it ) would probably be considered to be in possession of anything placed or left in it — at any rate unless it was concealed — while the occupier of a shop has been held not to be in possession of a thing dropped in a part of the shop to which the public had access .
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