Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] given it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I thought I 'd given it to you , ’ John says .
2 ‘ I thought I 'd given it to you , ’ Paul says .
3 How , then , could the government explain why he came to be in possession of a genuine birth certificate for a non-existent person without embarrassing the CIA , which had given it to him in the first place ?
4 She had given it with affection , but would have been forced — by custom , by law , and by John-William 's iron will — to give it anyway .
5 If the Council 's Temporary Press Officer , who had been appointed solely to deal with the alleged child abuse controversy , had been given such confidential information , she said , they wanted to know who had given it to him .
6 I found it folded in a corner , still heavy with the perfume of the Sheikha who had given it to me .
7 Christine paused most meaningfully … ‘ she said as you had given it to her , sir .
8 ‘ You might cook him a wonderful pie and then you 'd find he 'd given it to a drunken beggar , and no matter how kind you thought him after a while you 'd want to kill him .
9 He had given it to his youngest daughter , Margaret , when she trained as a nurse at Benedict 's just after the last World War .
10 ‘ And he did n't know what had given it to you … ’
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