Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] you [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I presumed you 'd want to . ’
2 But when I found you 'd run away from me again , it nearly sent me crazy . ’
3 I assumed you 'd do something of the sort .
4 I assumed you 'd want to know that wreckage of a dinghy was washed up a few miles north of here on the Welsh coast last night .
5 ‘ As you were working and you run a business , I assumed you must leave him with a babyminder . ’
6 The one who I told you used to keep running to me for help . ’
7 ‘ I checked with Betty this morning as to whether you 'd be in and she said you were making one of your special cakes , so I guessed you would ask the girls up to tea .
8 I guessed you 'd fall head over heels for him .
9 Yeah but I guessed you 'd wan na go in there
10 I figured you 'd want to get out of those city clothes straight away , ’ he told them with a grin .
11 I heard you could eat any amount of steak and you 'd lose loads of weight ’ , or ‘ did n't I read somewhere that you are n't supposed to eat carbohydrate and protein at the same meal ? ’
12 My life is here , and I have no intention of sharing it with you , not if you offered me an Empire , let alone a castle in Scotland and the fortune of a man whom I despised and who I warned you would treat you badly .
13 Her comments alongside her weekly measuring sessions said so much that I felt you would enjoy reading them too :
14 I thought that if I made you realise how strongly I felt you might decide you feel the same . ’
15 So I felt you might have something of substance to add to Captain Trentham 's report . ’
16 The first was a good attempt but yeah you missed misled or confused then there could be several others I felt you could 've picked up that would be highlighting the second appointment that carried the whole process through
17 Erm the rise was also the cue to check on erm pension increase and I felt you should 've asked a little bit more about the life cover , most companies do have arrangements for quite large sums of money to be paid out to dependants , this will have an impact on life cover planning in the future .
18 That I felt you should know your position if just such an event as this occurred ? ’
19 I knew you might work it out but I reasoned that if I did n't rush forward to explain all , you might catch the culprit first and never have to trouble me . ’
20 As I believe that you both did , when you were my age — if you can remember so far back — but I knew you would prevent me from doing so if I told you the truth . ’
21 She reddened , said : ‘ I knew you would think I had taken too much responsibility on myself . ’
22 I knew you would want to see them , Captain — Mr Andropulos seems very anxious to see you — and I know you do n't like unauthorized people on the bridge so I took the liberty of putting the four gentlemen and the two young ladies in the wardroom .
23 I knew you would want to set all to rights , ’ Rose said softly , smiling warmly at her .
24 So I knew you would eat it like that in an omelette .
25 ‘ I love you in a very special way and I knew you would understand .
26 I knew you would say that , ’ he said .
27 I knew you would see reason in the end .
28 Ben said , ‘ I knew you would keep her . ’
29 When Jack and Alick , after being shipwrecked and narrowly escaping murder , starvation and sundry other perils , are reunited with Terence on board a brig-of-war , he declares it is worth being lost when reunion is so pleasant and ends with a flourish : ‘ Old fellows , I knew you would come back somehow or other ; I always said so ; astride of a dolphin , if in no other way … ’
30 I knew you would come . ’
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