Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] him as a " in BNC.

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1 And my real father — I mean my official , signed and sealed father — struck me the only time I met him as a grandiose old phoney .
2 MICHAEL WINNER and I ceased to be on speaking terms after I described him as a very average director who made very average movies .
3 I I regarded him as a a professional , highly trained officer er confidence in his judgement .
4 I cried out in relief and happiness : I thought I recognised him as a former schoolmate , a boy with whom I used to exchange groans about the maths problems whose solutions so frequently eluded us .
5 I loved him as a son does a father . ’
6 The following sentences taken from van Ek ( 1966 : 104-5 ) illustrate this use : ( 97 ) I knew him as a man to be very much like myself .
7 I knew him as a hard-working , modest , and honest politician , ’ he said .
8 ‘ I could n't believe he drugged me because I saw him as a caring person , he had got me into his confidence .
9 Before I took him as a patient , I watched many of his fight films .
10 I liked him as a man and I thought er Mrs was a delightful lady .
11 There I had him as a charming , affectionate colleague of mature judgment .
12 It was because he told me he had seen a woman more beautiful than me , and said that if I wanted him as a husband , I must marry him at once !
13 I set him as a foreigner : untrustworthy , slyly clever , un-English .
14 Mills Roberts was a stickler for discipline but everyone recognised him as a good soldier and therefore , for all his shouting , he was a popular figure .
15 ‘ He was given the title of honorary research assistant but articles began appearing in newspapers which described him as a consultant , ’ says a doctor who knew him .
16 The Presbyterian ministers who occupied most of the Church 's livings , however , even before his arrival set up a committee to draw up a list of the objectionable features in his works ; their report , which condemned him as a heretic for denying Original Sin , was sent to the King .
17 Chung ran a campaign — widely compared with that of Ross Perot in the US elections — which portrayed him as a political " outsider " with direct economic experience gleaned as the head of a giant commercial concern .
18 The release of his second album , ‘ Hands Free ’ , follows the success of Mona , a hit from his first album which established him as a singer/songwriter but did very little to convince a cynical world that under the suntan there lurked a talented guitarist .
19 It was the Physics which led him to Engineering , and the Engineering which took him as a National Serviceman to Germany and the experimental air fields .
20 He was a good artist , and he was certainly a competent amateur astronomer , sending several observations of comets and of the planet Uranus to the Gentleman 's Magazine and to the American Philosophical Society , which enrolled him as a foreign member in 1787 .
21 Commander Leonard Burt , who was to be the recipient of Joyce 's confessions many years later , noted this sense of grievance which characterised him as a young man :
22 She failed him as a great ‘ silver ’ power , as a naval power at Trafalgar , and by 1807 her domestic polities were so confused by court intrigue that she appeared scarcely a reliable political ally .
23 Ramos , a Protestant , was criticized on Feb. 18 by the influential ( Catholic ) Archbishop of Manila , Cardinal Jaime Sin , who attacked him as a former Marcos stooge and expressed his preference for Mitra , thus denting Ramos ' dwindling support within the LDP .
24 Fry said his farewells to the players who regarded him as a father figure before heading for home in Bedford a devastated man .
25 She made Fred see himself only as she described him as a man who was deliberately making his now pregnant wife unhappy .
26 Those who dismissed him as a third-rate actor failed to recognize his ability as a political campaigner .
27 18 MINUTES : Le Tissier took a corner from the right and Hall , escaping his marker , connected with a tremendous header to score against the club who rejected him as a 15-year-old .
28 She recognised him as a kindred spirit , with the same happy-go-lucky , questing attitude to life which she herself possessed .
29 She always had half an eye for him ; sometimes I thought she watched him as a tamer does a tiger .
30 Both Thomas Grenville and G. J. Spencer ( second Earl Spencer ) [ qq.v. ] were among the collectors who employed him as a facsimilist .
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