Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] them [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , thank goodness for er modern technology I got them please do n't , do n't all fax them up to the department , er these faxes are very hard to read
2 so I described them how to do it , perched on our knees , looking down , no sound without a script , it was just absolutely ludicrous
3 Right , erm I told them just throw these out !
4 I told them not to wait ; or to come back . ’
5 I told them not to worry , that I was sure I 'd see them again — on the scene .
6 My position there was simple : I told them not to worry about it .
7 I told them always to hold their heads up high because , at the end of the day , this family is as good as any other .
8 They both got it instinctively wrong , but then worked it out roughly by the sun , and I showed them how to use a watch as a compass , which Gareth half remembered , having learned before .
9 I showed them how to build my mast , and soon everything was ready for me to start work on the woman monster .
10 The holes got bigger on top of the hill so I rang them again saying they 're dangerous for cyclist for a motorbike could have an accident .
11 I tapped them blindly to sound as if counting them out .
12 cos I took them off to peel some potatoes
13 I sent them in to retrieve Christine LaFayette , the female offspring of the woman who now … manages … your Earth .
14 I had them specially done ! ’
15 It is often the way with Mughal ruins : while the more primitive forts which preceded them still have an aura of power as they rise solid and impregnable from the burning plains , the silky refinement expressed in Mughal architecture turns , in decay , to something approaching seediness .
16 In New York they were called an hour before the show opened , and once they had done their face make-up , they only had to put on tights rather than spend a long time carefully using wet white , which gave them longer to gossip .
17 The Fascist youth organizations which replaced them never went camping , or learned how to cook , or developed any other outdoor skills .
18 You wired them together to make a kind of pyramid .
19 Sarah had been able to attend the caelidhes again , warned by her mother that she must not do more than two dances , but she found them greatly changed .
20 The reason why our homes were so cold was that the people who designed them never took our severe winter climate into consideration .
21 Demonstrating fishermen were fiercely criticised yesterday by the fisheries minister , David Curry , who told them not to resume protests against cheap imports .
22 But he was resented by long memories in those who had fought a war ; by Churchill 's men for weakening the morale of the Air Force through his attacks on area bombing ; by the school of Lord Vansittart which loathed Germans and said that Nazis were typical of that race , and hated a bishop who told them never to identify the true Germany with Hitler .
23 However , from the moment they can talk , they should be encouraged to explain why they have done something you told them not to do and given time to do so , especially when they are still clumsy or slow with words .
24 Yeah , well , she said she , she told them where to go , and they said they
25 She wanted to weep at the pity of it all , then she opened them again to stare at him .
26 She opened them again to peep briefly at the signature .
27 They had come much further into the forest than they intended , much further indeed than those who ordered them in had intended .
28 Known as Cadians , they founded a new homeland in the backwoods of south Louisiana , where they discovered bountiful supplies of game — rabbit , squirrel , pigeon and deer , and helpful native Indians who taught them how to make the most of local wild produce .
29 The policeman and passer-by who pulled them out say anyone else would have done the same .
30 The friend who watched them together recalled : ‘ Camilla was not what one would call a truly beautiful woman .
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