Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So I mean again I realized I had dug a hole for myself with the compressed funding but at the same time I was saying to myself oh yeah there is carry forward here er
2 I realized I had made a mistake .
3 I realized I had seen a few of these same processions on my way north through eastern Czechoslovakia , in Ovitkov and in Ostrava .
4 I realized I had to do something about it myself .
5 It was only when I looked up to my right and saw the board that I realized I had come to the right place .
6 Once I 'd seen them , I realized I had to get to her before they did . ’
7 As it rolled away , I realized I had left my parcel inside , and given the coachman all the coins in my purse .
8 But I realized I 'd said it so I tried to dig myself out the hole
9 ‘ I 'll do anything , ’ I told them , and it was n't till afterwards that I realized I 'd done the right thing 'cos where else was I to go ?
10 On Wednesday after the selection committee meeting , I realized I 'd left my fountain pen in here .
11 I realised I 'd made a mistake as soon as he tightened his arms around my neck .
12 It was just as I was sitting down in the living room with my cup of coffee that I realised I 'd left my bag on the train .
13 But as the course went on , I realised I 'd backed off some decisions , and shut myself of from what my superiors were saying .
14 ‘ The full weight of the Children 's Department came down on us for that scene and , in retrospect , I realised I had made a mistake letting that go through .
15 I realised I had to stop putting it in though , ’ Kaye admits , ‘ when a friend of one of my sons told me the house looked more and more like a church every time he came round . ’
16 ( I realised I had to cancel them , otherwise I 'd get the balance down a bit , then get clothes fever again . )
17 He said afterwards : ‘ I left the line-up when I realised I had to stand and shake her hand .
18 ‘ Then I realised I had to work hard and concentrate on the job .
19 Too late I realised I had forgotten to remove the plastic bird .
20 Before I realised I 've got mine .
21 I realised I wanted to use objects as symbols , instead of illustrative figures ’ .
22 I realised I wanted to use objects as symbols , instead of illustrative figures ’ .
23 But , thinking the process through sensibly , I realised I needed to write an essay before winning the £200 , hence I had to find a suitable topic .
24 Soon after I qualified I got married — knew it was a mistake straight away .
25 Aye that was Well that that was on the platform when I got me face burnt and me left hand , which I think was burnt trying to protect me me head or face at the time .
26 Well , finally she left , and I saw her to her jeep with the new hair-drier which I found I had to press her to keep .
27 The strap is a strong rubber one but I found I had to overtighten it at the surface , otherwise it became loose when my drysuit seal compressed at depth .
28 I found I had to get Dawn 's weight down much more than I 'd expected , or would have wished , just to persuade her to come for the food on my fist .
29 They seemed to be mostly line-and-wash with an occasional burst of colour , and even when I got close to them I found I had to concentrate to see what they were about .
30 ‘ When I got back I found I had left the garden door a little ajar ; she must have taken a chill .
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