Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " I could n't have a worse offer if I lived to be a hundred .
2 I was a member of NALGO from 1979 until the GLC was abolished , when I ceased to be a member for a number of reasons : 1 could not afford it , and because the company for whom I worked was not a Local Authority .
3 I was happy as pop singer , the last couple of years I was n't happy when I ceased to be a pop singer and I was er headed on a road of being an entertainer .
4 I owned to being the coward , traitor , thief and fairy they saw in me .
5 I remember feis as being the best part of Irish dancing because I got to be the centre of attention , albeit fleetingly .
6 Snowdon I found to be a Scottish mountain transposed to North Wales .
7 And when I pretended to be a horse I got so excited I bumped into this litter bin and fell over .
8 As I flew the approach I observed quite a tall tree on the threshold , which I assumed to be the obstruction .
9 She looked me over , said I seemed to be a nice girl and announced that she had just the job for me — taking her goats out for a walk !
10 I seemed to be a lot happier than the rest of my fellow travellers who seemed to be very sleepy .
11 I had never done him any harm , yet I seemed to be the object of a deliberate campaign .
12 I 'd been thinking for a long time that I 'd welcome the chance to talk with a psychiatrist , although not about captivity — I felt I 'd worked my way through that enough — but about my past and how I came to be the person I was when I was taken hostage .
13 Erm one interesting point about overtime and temps er generally is that temps apparently unl are costing us around about fourteen K with overheads which is a lot more than I believed to be the case .
14 ( Once at a committee meeting when I claimed to be the most nostalgic person present where railways are concerned , Russell was quick to put me in my place — second . )
15 I happened to be the last person of my family there .
16 It 's work I have some familiarity with because by accident I happened to be the external examiner of the lad who did it , Peter Williamson .
17 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
18 At seven years old I determined to be a great footballer .
19 ‘ I adopted what I conceived to be a classless accent , ’ he said , ‘ as that is what I thought Byron ought to be and that is what I am .
20 ‘ I had n't realised that I needed to be a hypochondriac to qualify for your — affections . ’
21 ‘ One of the people I talked to was a salesman for Allied Dunbar and said they 'd do a great job .
22 Everything was subject to a harsh , hard and broken edge which intruded in what I felt to be a very unmusical fashion .
23 ‘ It was a character that I felt to be a very basic part of me and when I read it I had that immediate connection with him .
24 Why else should I still be yearning after a man whom I knew to be a murderer while shrinking from the innocent Syl whose only crime was that I found him unattractive ?
25 ‘ Despite what I thought to be a clear understanding on the part of their coaching staff , the Republic 's squad that played against us in the St Patrick 's Day match in Enniskillen , was too old and too experienced .
26 This political landscape stood in some contrast to what I understood to be the quite exceptional role played by West Ham in the historical development of the Labour Party and the trade union and cooperative movements .
27 Daphne came from one of the best families in London , certainly from what I understood to be the upper classes , so once I left St Paul 's I assumed we would never come across each other again .
28 And I grew to be a man .
29 In a speech at Leicester last Friday I stated what I took to be a constitutional axiom : ‘ All the public utterances of the sovereign , ’ I said , ‘ are covered by the advice of ministers . ’
30 Shiny new BMWs were lined up for sale on the forecourt of what I took to be a condemned block of woefully austere flats , with a dilapidated factory next door .
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