Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] it was [noun] " in BNC.

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1 About three months before I finally , I was husband made me go to the doctor or go to the doctors for me and that 's when I realized it was depression I did n't know anything about it then .
2 When she lifted her head and looked at me , I realized it was Estella .
3 Then I realized it was Malpass .
4 And I , it was n't until afterwards I realized it was cats caterwauling .
5 ‘ I knew for certain when you showed me that photograph , and I realised it was Gaston , not Fabien whose picture she had kept all those years .
6 Looking at my diary after lunch , I realised it was MKM day and they might sell out before someone could get me a copy !
7 I realised it was time to move out .
8 When Yasmin and I met it was Ramadan , and Yasmin , a Muslim girl of seventeen , was fasting .
9 I was very worried when I found it was quads , because I assumed that there would just be more complications and we 'd end up with nothing again .
10 I pretended it was Annie 's hair we was putting on the tree , and I called her a little angel , but she got upset about that , so I stopped .
11 I assumed it was Pinder going to see Pamela Berry . ’
12 I assumed it was coincidence , seeing him in Wexford , and then finding him staying in the same hotel .
13 At least I assumed it was Toby .
14 And er last time I came it was Doctor and he changed
15 I guessed it was part of your plot to steer me right away from Rob — in case I corrupt him . ’
16 I figured it was time I interrupted the monologue .
17 However , my presence was clearly unsettling its regular inhabitants so I decided it was time to make a move — and time to confront Charles Howard .
18 I decided it was time to say goodbye , but before I could give notice Sam Hall , the Benskin 's area manager , phoned me to say the company was going to turn the Harrow into a managed house .
19 Equipped with such information , I decided it was time to hit the streets .
20 When other nations subsequently joined the EEC , I decided it was time to hold fire on future Antichrist prophecies .
21 how you can persist in being so utterly incompetent bewilders me , and so while indulging in a little light entertainment in the ZZAP ! offices ( brutally torturing the staff for being human ) I decided it was time I found a solution to the problem .
22 After three weeks of perch work I decided it was time to start training her to fly from other locations .
23 Now I decided it was time to find out .
24 Helen continued to circulate ; I decided it was time for a pee and then maybe some food , which took me via the garden ( there was a queue for the downstairs loo , and the upper part of the castle was locked ) to the kitchen .
25 I decided it was time to look into the Bunker properly , and set off along the bank at a jog , swinging round the southernmost dune towards the old pillbox .
26 I decided it was time for a change . ’
27 I decided it was time to return . ’
28 ‘ I 've always been very aware that I needed to give something back after this experience and when I read about the appeal for people prepared to give homes to the Bosnians , I decided it was time I stepped in . ’
29 As I had already been rock-climbing I decided it was time to take part in the activity which I had been looking forward to , canoeing !
30 I felt it was security yer wanted .
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