Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [pn reflx] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I drew myself up to my full 4 feet 8 inches , flared my pupils at the teacher , picked up my scarlet skirt , Vivien Leigh-style , and , with a thud , parquet met felt and felt met parquet .
2 I hauled myself up from whatever I was lying on .
3 I dolled myself up after the bath .
4 Tell you how I brought myself up on Wells , Huxley and Shaw ; how I prefer George Eliot and even Thackeray to Dickens ; how I like Orwell , Hardy and Housman , and dislike the Auden-Spender-Isherwood crew ( preaching socialism as a sideshoot of homosexual law reform ) ; how I 'm saving Virginia Woolf for when I 'm dead .
5 I took myself up to Highbury to hear about all this .
6 I was obliged to write essays … where I gave myself up to an almost purely artistic rendering of such facts as I remembered , and such opinions as I could concoct by the help of memory , fancy , and the radical and the free-thinking influence of home …
7 I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at him .
8 On this occasion I wrapped myself up in a blanket and went to sleep in a ditch .
9 I thought if I wrapped myself up in chickenwire and cut myself out again I would be left with a realistic shape .
10 She levered herself up on an elbow , gazing down at his handsome , tanned face .
11 ‘ We 're going to have to do something — because I simply ca n't tell you two imps of mischief apart , ’ Laura muttered , groaning as she levered herself up against the pillows .
12 With a final searching look at the haunted image in the mirror she drew herself up with a deep breath and walked down the narrow passage to meet him .
13 She drew herself up to her full height , hands on hips ; quite a figure .
14 So , ’ she drew herself up to her full height , her tight black dress clasping her full figure as though the material was pasted to her , ‘ so , ’ she repeated , ‘ I opened it to check the photograph and saw it was Ed Riverton 's .
15 She drew herself up to her full height .
16 She drew herself up to her full height .
17 Looking very much like the arrogant duchess he had once accused her of being , despite her wet and muddy state , she drew herself up to her full height , and stated with flat finality , ‘ You can both do as you please regarding the land .
18 She drew herself up to her full height .
19 ‘ Not my sister , ’ she drew herself up in the chair .
20 In answer she lifted herself up on tiptoe and leaned against his tall , firm frame .
21 She lifted herself up on one elbow and looked down at his , at his face drawn with sorrow and the love that would sacrifice itself for her selfishness — and so needlessly .
22 Yes , this is the stuff real men are made of and let all those jessie pop stars who holed themselves up in the luxury of four star hotels hang their heads in shame !
23 She pulled herself up onto an elbow to gaze at him .
24 She pulled herself up on her walking-frame and shuffled off , pushing it in front of her , towards the kitchen .
25 She pulled herself up on the bed and , kneeling in such a way that George could see her breasts to their best advantage , took his phallus into her mouth .
26 She pulled herself up to the level of the bonnet by hanging on to the wing mirror then snatched at a scrap of folded paper .
27 She rolled herself up in a ball and covered her head .
28 As she heaved herself up against the pillows she discovered she was wearing a man 's shirt , extra-large and striped , and she 'd never seen that before , either .
29 Still rigid with the horror of her nightmare , she heaved herself up in bed as the door flew open and Penry charged into the room at a run , his hair on end and his chest bare .
30 Markus Wolf , the former head of East German intelligence from 1958 to 1987 who gave himself up in 1991 [ see p. 38447 ] , was charged on Sept. 24 with treason , espionage and corruption .
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