Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [pos pn] own [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I asked my own doctor when he came early this morning , but he would n't tell me . ’
2 I asked my own surgeon how many of these prostate operations he did in a year , and he said around four hundred .
3 I made my own way out of the station .
4 She went into the bathroom and I made my own supper by slicing some of the foul cheese and shoving it between two slices of greased plastic bread .
5 I made my own mind up .
6 As a small boy , I devised my own set of cartoon animals , and they now stood me in good stead .
7 Taking this as my cue , I produced my own drawing pad and began to draw google-eyed rabbits and donkeys , with great speed .
8 I passed me own brother by in the process .
9 I got my own home and it ai n't got a broken window .
10 When we made love that day in your room , and I experienced my own frailty , it shook me .
11 Yet I found my own conviction that the attempt would result in my death steadfast and stubborn .
12 I found my own way down .
13 I found my own apprehension of form and my sense of humour very much the same as masons of around four hundred years before .
14 I found my own level .
15 I provided my own float , I had nothing to do with any of the money .
16 I changed my own selection to that called out by a priest ahead of me .
17 As long as I maintained my own security .
18 That is why I created my own festival in Salzburg each Easter .
19 When I traced my own family tree I found that the Heys had come into the parish of Penistone ( and more particularly to that part known as the township of Thurlstone where I lived ) about the year 1800 and that during the previous three centuries they had resided in Kirkburton parish immediately to the north .
20 I drew my own sword , shouting defiance and encouragement to the rest .
21 I used his own tie as a tourniquet .
22 This kind of music , of which I contributed my own part , deliberately aimed at beginning anew , ignoring the conventions of the past ; the only universal ideal was that the new music should be completely unlike whatever was heard before .
23 But I ruined my own life — and more importantly I ruined Ashi 's too — because I refused to admit that I was what I was . ’
24 I recognised my own handwriting and the way I would scrunch up a calendar date before throwing it away .
25 Because I recognised my own culpability in what had happened I did n't even argue the point . ’
26 I painted my own reality ’ .
27 Like any other youth , I was thrilled by the annual visits of the big circus , and when the Al G. Barnes Circus came to town I paid my own way in to the ‘ show ’ and sat up that night writing the first big-top review for the Times-Herald , which Fred Workman accepted with alacrity .
28 ‘ And I paid my own flight out . ’
29 ‘ I always found it very funny when I was referred to as Mr Laura Ashley , especially as I hated my own name , Bernard . ’
30 Passing the crag rats who were climbing Cave Route Right Hand , I climbed my own bit of grade E6 over the tufa and out past the block of stone with a hole eroded through that is said by some to have been the lip of a water chute when the chasm was a cave .
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