Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adv] at a " in BNC.

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1 Everyone dined together at a plain wooden table more suited to the kitchen or servants ' quarters than the guests ' dining room , and the fare was similarly lacking in charm .
2 I hit home at a Liverpool city centre newsagent .
3 The other soldiers had wives and families to go to , but I felt slightly at a loss away from the TA .
4 I felt rather at a loss .
5 Then , I looked again at a superficially rather strange SF trilogy that appeared a few months ago ( Schrodinger 's Cat , by Robert Anton Wilson , sphere , 1982 ) .
6 First , I looked again at an old favourite , Arthur Eddington 's The Nature of the Physical World ( Cambridge The detailed insights provided by Mehra and Rechenburg put this in a fresh perspective ( and Eddington still stands up , half a century later , as a superb writer who knew how to present his material ) .
7 His face looked lost and anxious and somehow sad , like someone left behind at a railway station .
8 On 30 March , however , an exceptionally violent explosion occurred , blowing off the top 200 metres of the volcano , and propagating a dense eruption cloud which expanded upwards at a speed estimated to be something like 500 metres per second , finally reaching a height of thirty-eight kilometres .
9 The rope was knotted round her neck which hung sideways at a bizarre angle .
10 On the afterdeck of Maurice , which lay slightly at an angle to Grace , a strange transformation had taken place .
11 Over a thousand butterflies which died suddenly at a special reserve in Fraddam , Cornwall , are believed to have been the victims of wind-borne pesticide drift …
12 ‘ Well , they 're talking about it , ’ my mother said , dipping her head towards the table and holding her Paisley-pattern scarf to her throat as she nibbled tentatively at a large cream cake .
13 She nodded curtly at a respectful errant mother then stooped to the car window .
14 She started violently at a knock on the door .
15 He watched her as she went past at a walk , the black Labrador and he both gazing wistfully , their breath steaming in the cold February morning .
16 Patients at increased risk include those with family members who died suddenly at an early age and those who have experienced syncope .
17 Youths dressed in the PAC 's black and yellow colours shouted demands to be given AK47s and Scorpion machine-pistols as their president , Clarence Makwetu , eulogised the 69 people who died there at a PAC anti-pass law protest on 21 March , 1960 .
18 She felt suddenly at a disadvantage .
19 She scraped away at a pan in silence for a while .
20 Everyone stopped where they were and stared as she pointed dramatically at a dark green house plant which stood on some kind of plinth behind the seat she 'd been allocated .
21 She picked absent-mindedly at a piece of lint on one long denim-clad leg , unable for the moment to look into her friend 's probing blue eyes .
22 She picked listlessly at a plate of Sole bonne femme while Preston ate something called a Scampi provençale in a kind of nervous frenzy .
23 And I believe we met once at a Stock Exchange luncheon . "
24 ‘ Once we realised the implications of the Cattle Identification Documents ( CIDS ) necessary to hold the administration of a two-stage payment together we looked hard at a slaughter premium , ’ explained Mr Cowan .
25 In the meantime , Sinatra 's relationship with Peter Lawford had been repaired when they met again at a dinner party given by Gary Cooper , and they behaved as though there had never been an argument .
26 Mystified , they rode eastwards at a great pace , Ramsay for one not ungrateful to be done with the restraints of keeping to the pace of marching men .
27 As they stared intently at a cameraman lurking on the bank , a family of mink , unnoticed peered curiously at them , from only a few metres away .
28 It is true that on their horses and with their arms they looked well at a review ; but they knew nothing of war . ’
29 By the late 1980s , the largest organizations were likely to operate most efficiently if they did so at an international level , raising capital internationally and supplying international markets .
30 They sat outside at a table overlooking the bay , with the twinkling lights of the harbour beyond , the big yachts and the smaller boats bobbing at anchor in the moonlight .
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