Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [noun pl] that [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ( I subsequently had ( 27 April ) a site meeting with an EGBT official , who completed a proposal form on the spot — however , the funding aspects are not my main concern here ; suffice it to say , 1 ) that I have always been confident that funding would be secured from one source or another , and 2 ) that my direct approach to SNH was done only because I had indications that their project approvals took months rather than weeks — something I have subsequently been assured is not true ) .
2 On March 21 Collor warned employers who dismissed workers that their books would be subject to " hostile inspection " and that they would be considered " unpatriotic " and guilty of " sabotaging " the economic programme .
3 As a result the impression has grown up that Wordsworth was rather a simple soul — an impression aided and abetted by the maid at Rydal Mount , who told visitors that her master 's study was ‘ in the fields ’ .
4 When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas she said things that her seven-year-old brother Simon could have .
5 She left instructions that her two-year-old pony , called Baby , should go to Claire House to bring pleasure to the young people who will one day be staying there .
6 In the spring of 1932 , when I was ten years old , we heard rumours that my father was to be transferred to Italy .
7 They heard accusations that his manner of life in public and private affairs was secular .
8 They denied suggestions that her account of a 36-hour blindfolded ordeal was copied from a bogus case in Australia , which was reported while Joanna was working there .
9 He disputed suggestions that his own redistributive mock Budget at the outset of the election campaign may have contributed to the party 's defeat and expressed concern that those who would have gained from it had apparently failed to heed the message .
10 He dismissed reports that his party was divided over tactics and personalities .
11 He told officers that his friend had been looking for Carol in Bristol on the Friday before she died .
12 He told Italians that his resignation was a response to " your vote , the disastrous financial situation and the Maastrich deadline , the prominence of bad in our society , public disservice and institutional paralysis " .
13 He rejected claims that his son Arthur attempted to continue his drugs trade from inside prison and had tried to do so through him .
14 He denied suggestions that his action was a protest at the failure of the United States government to supply promised emergency aid following its invasion in December 1989 [ see pp. 37112-13 ] .
15 Although Henry stated that he favoured constitutional reform — including an increase in the size of the Cabinet and a greater recognition of the role of political parties — he denied suggestions that his eventual aim was to achieve complete independence from New Zealand .
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