Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 Battery life is stated is stated to be around 9 hours but I found to be less than this .
2 What I found to be more than a little disconcerting was the feeling of drowning .
3 I pretended to be another friend , and asked for your phone number . "
4 Well it was a town then but since then it 's been made a city , you see , and I got to know all kinds of people and one gentleman came in there , used to come every evening and write a book and er , I used to look after him if I happened to be that end and er , you see , and then he 'd say , oh just an exchange you know about the weather and just in general thing and then I 'd leave him and he 'd get on with his writing and one day he said to me .
5 I was experiencing what he meant ; a new self-acceptance , a sense that I had to be this mind and this body , its vices and its virtues , and that I had no other chance or choice .
6 Ever since the Which ? team carried out what I considered to be some very unscientific trials comparing blood , fish and bone fertiliser with Growmore a while ago , I have been suspicious of their methods .
7 In the centre of the carbonaceous ball I could discern a small whitish marble which seemed to be all that remained of the original vegetable .
8 All proved to be fakes , as did their certificates of authenticity which purported to be those of Paris art expert , Paul Petridès .
9 Everyday conversation is actually highly innovative — as can be seen from the neologisms which proved to be such a major part of the lexicon of the tape recordings .
10 This was followed by the Harpers & Queen Grand Prix which proved to be another success for Markus Tecklenborg this time riding Franklin .
11 The more she tried to be that person the more I lost my sense of who I 'd fallen for in the first place .
12 For someone who worked in what she believed to be such a hard-nosed profession he retained a sensitive streak .
13 She waited thus for what she judged to be half an hour , moving a few steps to and fro to keep warm whenever the coast was clear .
14 She seemed to be more of a good-time girl than anything else .
15 Most Communists , despite their theoretical commitment to sexual equality , looked askance at any woman who aspired to be more than a tractor driver or street-sweeper .
16 His hands gripped the wheel with what she took to be more than necessary strength and he looked as if he would stop , spring out and grip her neck with equal intensity .
17 Though now , as Liz recited names of guests , she saw Charles drift away into what she took to be some private realm of financial speculation and morose managerial debate : he started to bite the inside of his lip , as he did when preoccupied , and to drum his fingers on the silvery-yellow brocade of the settee .
18 ‘ Kalli ’ , who proved to be such a success with Warwickshire between 1971 and 1990 , has been signed on by Shropshire to play Minor County cricket now that he is English-qualified by residence .
19 Apart from the thousands of common criminals who proved to be such a bane for Siberian society , the nineteenth century also witnessed a steady increase in the number of people who , either by judicial or administrative process , were banished to Siberia for political crimes — committed or suspected — against the state .
20 In her winter coat she appeared to be little more than a central pole with a tent draped from her shoulders .
21 In the Sixties — with Charlton , Law and Best at United , Greaves at Spurs , Marsh at Rangers , Moore , Hurst and Peters at West Ham — you had to be some kind of deranged flagellant to choose a team that had n't won a thing since the Coronation .
22 Another used sweet saffron leaves , baked to dry and fed in the same way : ‘ Only you had to be some careful not to give the horse too much of the powder or else the sweat would bring it out and you could smell the herb on his coat . ’
23 She wanted to be more than an outsider in ‘ La Felicità ’ , more than a vague summertime nuisance for whose sake the family had to go travelling , someone only to be communicated with by notes or as a new source of rent .
24 All the same , her dreamy enjoyment faded and as Felipe was almost smothered by Candace and Mitch was utterly involved with Ana , who refused to be more than primly polite to the new arrivals , Maggie found herself encumbered with Peter Rainford , who sat as close as he could get and set out to entertain her .
25 To regard these as distinct interests , each of which sustains a set of values , allows us to reformulate the question of the relative scope of holist and individualist theories which we found to be such a pressing one .
26 But the months of separation from her husband , and the events those months contained , came to mark a fundamental breach in their relationship , after which there ceased to be any hope that their early married happiness could be recovered .
27 Judged in terms of former occupations , there seemed to be much more variety within than between classes .
28 There seemed to be many of them .
29 There seemed to be little hope for the future , just a mundane job and low pay and fewer prospects for meeting the opposite sex once university days were over .
30 Following this there was considerable despondency amongst the committee as there seemed to be little hope for the future .
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