Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] three years " in BNC.

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1 My father was not a rich man , but he was able to send me to Cambridge University , where I studied for three years .
2 I worked for three years in the Collector of Taxes department , which was really just shuffling papers and asking for money .
3 I worked for three years as a school counsellor in South Brompton , and the majority of the children who came my way were children who had some degree of behavioural difficulty or emotional disturbance .
4 What 's in the Box ? was one of the greatest successes of 1953 , and in 1960 Steen 's purchase of the King 's Theatre off Shaftesbury Avenue heralded a string of commercial triumphs , including One Thing After Another , which ran for three years , and , currently , Sex of One and Half a Dozen of the Other .
5 Former Macci pupils include Tommy Ho , who turned pro three years ago at the age of 15 , and Will Bull , the National Boys 18 runner-up in 1990 who is a rookie on the tour .
6 ‘ I thought I would use a grenade ’ , said Vu Van Hau , a 22-year-old Vietnamese soldier who served for three years in Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom provinces , before returning to his native Ho Chi Minh City as part of the September withdrawal .
7 Philip brought his young bride Ann Escourt to his ‘ new mansion ’ , as a neighbour described it , but she died within three years at the age of twenty-four and is buried here in the churchyard .
8 His connection with tramways was first established with the Blackburn and Over Darwen steam tramway , where he served for three years .
9 He served for three years , originally as chairman , and it is as the first chairman of the future Labour party that he achieved his principal prominence in labour history .
10 He worked for three years with Sir Samuel Canning [ q.v. ] ,
11 He was at school at Uppingham ; then , suffering from asthma , he went for three years to Australia ( 1884–6 ) .
12 He toured for three years from coast to coast .
13 The great Florenz Ziegfeld saw the forty-eight Girls in the Folies-Bergère in Paris and took them under contract for a six month spell into his own Follies which he extended to three years .
14 He left after three years without a degree , not from any lack of ability but because he selected from the course only those subjects — analytical and applied chemistry — which appealed to him .
15 In 1754 Ramsay was again in Italy , where he remained for three years , developing the wonderfully delicate style of his maturity , and constantly drawing from life with all the avidity to learn of a student .
16 He was born in Wales in 1771 but served his apprenticeship in Stamford at the drapery business of James McGuffog , where he stayed for three years , originally at 31 High Street and later on St. Mary 's Street .
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