Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] she do n't " in BNC.

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1 Well if you fancy a black one there 's plenty but she do n't fancy them !
2 And he 's into heavy metal and and we , we both seem to have things in common like and she do does n't like me and she does n't erm you know , she seems the same with me as as she is with John .
3 Marie said she 'll write to me and she do n't know where Combe Court is .
4 Also my mum had to share a bedroom with me and she did n't like watching someone else seeing to me .
5 ‘ Luce is fond of you and she does n't want to hurt you , but you 're putting her in an impossible situation by your pig-headedness .
6 Well look at our Sophie she but she do n't know you now .
7 She advises me but she does n't take over at all .
8 And erm she like , just she wo n't play with me but she does n't .
9 And I felt and I said I did not kill her and I was the murderer and Shameer said check hit me but she did n't it felt like a hit and you do n't accidentally do that do you ?
10 It was a good likeness of their mother and she was smiling at them but she did n't belong in the Evans 's house .
11 The name meant something but she did n't know what .
12 But he does n't want to talk money he 's hoping to get that bitch to come back and live with him and she does n't like us !
13 She started writing to him and she did n't wan na , she do n't like him , she hates him , but I was saying like yeah go on !
14 I know not to expect her to react in the way other dogs do , and she knows that I will look after her and she does n't have to be quite so independent .
15 She saw the man , not very tall , thin , wearing jeans and a tee-shirt , coming along the path towards her , towards the main gate into North River Street , but the sun blinded her and she did n't know him .
16 When he came into the house she was reading a book she had brought with her and she did n't even look up .
17 She always did choke off any men who showed signs of wanting to get close to her and she did n't know why she behaved like that .
18 We talked to her and she did n't listen .
19 No , I mean I gave them to her and she did n't
20 They , they left here erm about half past eight , twenty to nine and they got to about half way they had n't been gone twenty minutes and I thought , oh she 's left her photographs , she had to get four passport photographs and she 'd left them here and I thought we 'd send them , send them to her and she did n't like them you see , but she 'd have them .
21 When Wexford got home for his tea Clytemnestra wagged her darning-wool tail at him but she did n't get out of his chair .
22 Mum took the mug from him but she did n't drink it .
23 She supposed she should humour him but she did n't know how .
24 There 's something so appealing about her but she does n't seem to want to let me or anybody into her life . "
25 She I mean she 's got all the facilities about her but she do n't seem
26 There is no point in the act giving the manager only 5 per cent and then complaining he or she does n't turn up to their shows .
27 one A&R person might tell another that he or she does n't like the band , and the feeling can spread like wild fire .
28 If he or she does n't act for a number of successful bands , he or she is unlikely to have a thorough understanding of accounting in the music business .
29 Some parents , for example , specialize in threats , notably the counter-productive and fear-provoking ones involving policemen , monsters and kidnappers who will harm or remove the child if he or she does n't comply .
30 If you 're keeping your spouse because you have the assets and he or she does n't , there 's no good leaving nothing to the spouse , unless that spouse is rich in his or her own right Rich in comparative terms , then there may be good reasons not to live him or her anything because you 'd rather leave it to the children .
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