Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [conj] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I told that to the American who came to my office and made the offer .
2 In the introduction I stated that to the principal of the theological college without reservation the Genesis account of creation .
3 The funeral cars and hearse have blue flashing lights on the roof , very similar to a policecar , when I enquired as to the reason for this , apparently it 's the only way they can get around the island for the traffic and the laid-back attitude of the locals .
4 Someone enquired as to the price of the SB305 whilst I was playing it ; to their great surprise I told them £395 , but I 'm sure I could have put a ‘ 1 ’ in front of that figure and it would n't have raised an eyebrow .
5 Desperately she pleaded but to no avail .
6 Yeah I know you sent that to the building society but I was
7 Our thanks to all who attended and to the Sports and Social Committee for their hard work to make the night yet another success .
8 ‘ I believe you gave that to the priest at Tracy for safekeeping when you were sent to Gloucester .
9 We submitted that to the D T I , what two weeks ago ?
10 Nevertheless he insisted that , at least until they were over Esk , they must all stay together ; they owed that to the Border men and indeed all who looked for a share in the spoil .
11 They looked like anatomies of death , they spake like ghosts crying out of their graves , they did eat dead carrions , happy where they could find them , yea , and one another soon after , insomuch as the very carcasses they spared not to scrape out of their graves , and if they found a plot of water cress or shamrocks , there they flocked as to a feast for the time , yet not able long to continue therewithal , that in short space there were none almost left , and a most populous and plentiful country suddenly left void of man or beast .
12 If that happened , it was claimed , the controversial Deans would be able to run the club as they wished and to the prejudice of minority shareholders .
13 He realized that to a materialistic society losing a wife to a millionaire hardly counted as failure .
14 It had never really occurred to me to put things in those terms but I can see what he meant and to an extent he was partly right .
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