Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [conj] [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 And I went two or three steps down the stairs before I stopped and looked back .
2 I drove twenty yards ahead so that the bus would not be blocking my way when it stopped at the bus stop , then I stopped and looked back .
3 Aunt Louise 's glance slid back over her shoulder to see if I had appreciated the window ; I nodded and smiled back .
4 Then I turned and ran back .
5 I went as far as the Galilee Gate , I turned and came back to my church .
6 Later I turned and walloped back towards Berlin , by way of Magdeburg , with just the one tweak of the Tardis en route as I saw the signs for Potsdam .
7 Finally I turned and started back , not conscious of anything , my mind still locked in on the impression the place had made so that I only vaguely heard a voice calling me .
8 I lied and shouted back that I did n't know where it was .
9 Never ! 'Cos I would die of shame if I retaliated and hit back ; and I would , because I 've levelled men almost as big as you before today , and you know it . ’
10 and I thought it was just tickling tickly you know and erm it was n't until I , su I went and sat back in my seat I was watching
11 I blinked and staggered back with watering eyes .
12 When the rain was over , I emerged and strolled back into town along the wide church forecourt , past a heart-shaped flower bed and two Virgins in substantial grottos .
13 ‘ Thanks be to God , ’ I said and settled back to enjoy the drive .
14 The main feeling I had when going back was of déjà vu , of stepping back two years in my life .
15 After a little way I halted and looked back .
16 Somehow I got back up and completed the climb — but by the time I hobbled and shuffled back to the sacks , the sun was already casting its final , blood red spotlight on Cloggy 's slabs and buttresses .
17 A servant girl brought me up water , I washed and lay back on the bed to rest before dinner .
18 He continued up the hill , and she went on down ; but a few paces further on she stopped and looked back , and it was at that precise moment that it happened , because he had turned back as well and for a few moments they looked longingly at each other , each tongue-tied , but each sure , now , of the other 's feelings .
19 Franz pulled Therese 's arm through his and began to lead her up the track towards the car park , but she stopped and looked back .
20 She twisted and gazed back to where the Black Cuillins arced away in ridge after ridge of jagged stone , rearing up into a flawless sky .
21 Bursting into tears , she turned and ran back through the wood , pushing blindly through the ferns , stumbling , hot and panting , determined to get away from Nicky so that she could try to think straight .
22 She turned and ran back to the house before he could say anything else .
23 But she had gone only a few paces before she turned and stared back at the door , a strong sense of oddness — of wrongness — holding her in its grip .
24 Without waiting for The Fat Controller 's reaction to all this , she turned and went back to her own table , where she was greeted with little ‘ Well done 's and furtive shoulder pats from her fellow diners .
25 She turned and went back towards her house , and I walked on to Baskerville Hall .
26 She turned and walked back down the hall to the lift .
27 As he started the car and moved away , she turned and walked back into the house .
28 On the mezzanine again , she turned and looked back , down into the conservatory .
29 She turned and looked back up the slope towards the cottage .
30 Then she turned and looked back at him , her eyes wet with tears .
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