Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [be] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes that 's how that 's how it was , yes all I was on that gate , I 'd been on that gate myself dozens of times .
2 I 'd been on one of these trips before and the weather had been brilliant .
3 I hated being on social security and I tried everywhere for a job .
4 did n't mean that , what I meant was on this er exercise were , was it written down for instance that erm P C has Smith er Smith and Weston number thirty two ?
5 The piece I did is on one side , and on the other is a piece by The Kronos Quartet , called Different Trains . ’
6 I had been on one of these camps before so I thought that I knew what to expect .
7 I had been on low-calorie diets and diets out of newspapers , but I just could not stick to them .
8 Within a week , I received a duplicated form to fill in stating all my details and demanding proof that I had been on that flight .
9 I had been on all the northern capitals .
10 ‘ I brought in the Readers ' Digests , ’ she muttered , unable to apply the brakes when she 'd been on such a powerful roll .
11 She would likely never see her sister again , so that in her mind she would always be as she had been on that last walk over the moor to Barnswick .
12 Well she had been on one or two things , not a lot on the television but er , we .
13 SIR — A 37-year-old man , who had been on total parenteral nutrition for 2½ years after excision of his small bowel for a mesenteric desmoid tumour , found this regimen unacceptable and sought a small bowel allograft .
14 And one of the most experienced U-boat commanders , Adalbert Schnee , who had been on sixteen patrols and later became a member of Dönitz 's staff , gave evidence that it was contrary to orders to kill survivors and that there could be no excuse for what Eck had done .
15 Uhde , a young collector and dealer who had been on friendly terms with both painters since the early pre-Cubist days , in a book entitled Picasso et la Tradition Française which appeared in both French and German in 1928 , stressed the cardinal part played by Braque in the formation of Cubism .
16 In the afternoon he visited various people who had been on friendly terms with the dead man .
17 In Northern Ireland Constable Louis Robinson , an off-duty member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary who had been on sick leave for three years , was kidnapped from a minibus at an IRA roadblock near the border at Killeen , South Armagh , on Sept. 15 .
18 It was his first encounter with Zhou , director in Hong Kong of the New China News Agency , who had been on sick leave ; it had been billed as a " get to know you " meeting , which would sidestep controversial issues .
19 A renowned ( albeit not a very successful ) crusader who had been on three expeditions , he had met and been entertained by the ablest monarchs in Europe .
20 A couple of bands were hired several months ago to jolly up the celebrations , whose main participants appeared to be trade unionists who had been on free holidays to one of the last proletarian paradises .
21 The reabsorption into landed society of those families who had suffered in the upheavals of the past decade was to be a slow process , and was to give rise to fresh disputes over lands claimed by families who had been on opposite sides , but Edward showed over the next twenty years that loyalty and service would receive their due reward .
22 V.W. I tried to get something going last year after we 'd been on this girls in secondary schools course .
23 Well none of the lads were prepared to take that on , cos we 'd been on this contract with for the last eleven years .
24 I thought , would n't it be good though if they , if what they did is on that day we went they pick everyone who wanted like the jobs yeah
25 The pressures of wedded bliss excluded Sadie as effectively from the life of her former friend as if they had been on different continents .
26 They had been on Christian name terms for some time now .
27 Many of the girls wanted to ask about domestic details such as rationing , clothes and saying goodbye to boyfriends while the boys frequently said they wanted to interview the men to find out if they had been on active service or if they had killed anyone .
28 We were not reassured when a solitary American tourist travelling on the same flight told us he 'd been on this very plane on a previous flight , and they found petrol pouring down the window before take-off , and had to do some repair work on it .
29 He continued on across the road and down by the side of the church , heading south towards Pimlico , trying to imagine how it had been on that September day all those years ago .
30 The embalmed corpse of Georgi Dimitrov , Bulgaria 's Communist leader from 1946 until his death in 1949 , was removed on July 18 from the mausoleum in central Sofia where it had been on public display , and was cremated in a private ceremony .
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